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Guaranteed finalization support

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 19 17:03 (updated on 2009- 04- 19 17:03)
tagged d, dgc, en, finalization, specs, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

There was some discussion going on about what I found in my previous post. Unfortunately the discussion diverged a lot, and lots of people seems to defend not guaranteed finalization for no reason, or arguing that finalization is supposed to be used with RAII.

I find all the arguments very weak, at least for convincing me that the current specs are not broken (if finalizers shouldn't be used with objects with its lifetime determined by the GC, then don't let that happen).

The current specs allow a D implementation with a GC that don't call finalizers for collected objects at all! So any D program relying on that is actually broken.

Anyways, from all the possible solutions to this problem, I think the better is just to provide guaranteed finalization, at least at program exit. That is doable (and easily doable by the way).

I filed a bug report about this, but unfortunately, seeing how the discussion at the news group went, I'm very skeptic about this being fixed at all.

Object finalization

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 18 15:18 (updated on 2009- 04- 18 15:18)
tagged d, dgc, en, finalization, specs, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

I'm writing a trivial naive (but fully working) GC implementation. The idea is:

  1. Improve my understanding about how a GC is written from the ground up
  2. Ease the learning curve for other people wanting to learn how to write a D GC
  3. Serve as documentation (will be fully documented)
  4. Serve as a benchmarking base (to see how better is an implementation compared to the dumbest and simplest implementation ever =)

There is a lot of literature on GC algorithms, but there is almost no literature of the particularities on implementing a GC in D (how to handle the stack, how finalize an object, etc.). The idea of this GC implementation is to tackle this. The collection and allocation algorithms are really simple so you can pay attention to the other stuff.

The exercise is already paying off. Implementing this GC I was able to see some details I missed when I've done the analysis of the current implementation.

For example, I completely missed finalization. The GC stores for each cell a flag that indicates when an object should be finalized, and when the memory is swept it calls rt_finalize() to take care of the business. That was easy to add to my toy GC implementation.

Then I was trying to decide if all memory should be released when the GC is terminated or if I could let the OS do that. Then I remembered finalization, so I realized I should at least call the finalizers for the live objects. So I went see how the current implementation does that.

It turns out it just calls a full collection (you have an option to not collect at all, or to collect excluding roots from the stack, using the undocumented gc_setTermCleanupLevel() and gc_gsetTermCleanupLevel() functions). So if there are still pointers in the static data or in the stack to objects with finalizers, those finalizers are never called.

I've searched the specs and it's a documented feature that D doesn't guarantee that all objects finalizers get called:

The garbage collector is not guaranteed to run the destructor for all unreferenced objects. Furthermore, the order in which the garbage collector calls destructors for unreference objects is not specified. This means that when the garbage collector calls a destructor for an object of a class that has members that are references to garbage collected objects, those references may no longer be valid. This means that destructors cannot reference sub objects.

I knew that ordering was not guaranteed so you can't call other finalizer in a finalizer (and that make a lot of sense), but I didn't knew about the other stuff. This is great for GC implementors but not so nice for GC users ;)

I know that the GC, being conservative, has a lot of limitations, but I think this one is not completely necessary. When the program ends, it should be fairly safe to call all the finalizers for the live objects, referenced or not.

In this scheme, finalization is as reliable as UDP =)

Understanding the current GC, conclusion

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 11 19:36 (updated on 2009- 04- 11 19:36)
tagged book, conclusion, d, dgc, druntime, en, gc, mark-sweep, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

Now that I know fairly deeply the implementation details about the current GC, I can compare it to the techniques exposed in the GC Book.

Tri-colour abstraction

Since most literature speaks in terms of the tri-colour abstraction, now it's a good time to translate how this is mapped to the D GC implementation.

As we all remember, each cell (bin) in D has several bits associated to them. Only 3 are interesting in this case:

  • mark
  • scan
  • free (freebits)

So, how we can translate this bits into the tri-colour abstraction?


Cells that were marked and scanned (there are no pointer to follow) are coloured black. In D this cells has the bits:

mark = 1
scan = 0
free = 0

Cells that has been marked, but they have pointers to follow in them are coloured grey. In D this cells has the bits:

mark = 1
scan = 1
free = 0

Cells that has not been visited at all are coloured white (all cells should be colored white before the marking starts). In D this cells has the bits:

mark = 0
scan = X


free = 1

The scan bit is not important in this case (but in D it should be 0 because scan bits are cleared before the mark phase starts). The free bit is used for the cells in the free list. They are marked before other cells get marked with bits mark=1 and free=1. This way the cells in the free list don't get scanned (mark=1, scan=0) and are not confused with black cells (free=1), so they can be kept in the free list after the mark phase is done. I think this is only necessary because the free list is regenerated.


Here is a summary of improvements proposed by the GC Book, how the current GC is implemented in regards to this improvements and what optimization opportunities can be considered.

Mark stack

The simplest version of the marking algorithm is recursive:

    if not cell.marked
        cell.marked = true
        for child in cell.children

The problem here is, of course, stack overflow for very deep heap graphs (and the space cost).

The book proposes using a marking stack instead, and several ways to handle stack overflow, but all these are only useful for relieving the symptom, they are not a cure.

As a real cure, pointer reversal is proposed. The idea is to use the very same pointers to store the mark stack. This is constant in space, and needs only one pass through the help, so it's a very tempting approach. The bad side is increased complexity and probably worse cache behavior (writes to the heap dirties the entire heap, and this can kill the cache).

Current implementation

The D GC implementation does none of this. Instead it completes the mark phase by traversing the heap (well, not really the heap, only the bit sets) in several passes, until no more data to scan can be found (all cells are painted black or white). While the original algorithm only needs one pass through the heap, this one need several. This trades space (and the complexity of stack overflow handling) for time.

Optimization opportunities

This seems like a fair trade-off, but alternatives can be explored.

Bitmap marking

The simplest mark-sweep algorithm suggests to store marking bits in the very own cells. This can be very bad for the cache because a full traversal should be done across the entire heap. As an optimization, a bitmap can be used, because they are much small and much more likely to fit in the cache, marking can be greatly improved using them.

Current implementation

Current implementation uses bitmaps for mark, scan, free and other bits. The bitmap implementation is GCBits and is a general approach.

The bitmap stores a bit for each 16 bytes chunks, no matter what cell size (Bins, or bin size) is used. This means that 4096/16 = 256 bits (32 bytes) are used for each bitmap for every page in the GC heap. Being 5 bitmaps (mark, scan, freebits, finals and noscan), the total spaces per page is 160 bytes. This is a 4% space overhead in bits only.

This wastes some space for larger cells.

Optimization opportunities

The space overhead of bitmaps seems to be fairly small, but each byte counts for the mark phase because of the cache. A heap with 64 MiB uses 2.5 MiB in bitmaps. Modern processors come with about that much cache, and a program using 64 MiB doesn't seems very rare. So we are pushing the limits here if we want our bitmaps to fit in the cache to speed up the marking phase.

I think there is a little room for improvement here. A big object, lets say it's 8 MiB long, uses 640 KiB of memory for bitmaps it doesn't need. I think some specialized bitmaps can be used for large object, for instance, to minimize the bitmaps space overhead.

There are some overlapping bits too. mark=0 and scan=1 can never happen for instance. I think it should be possible to use that combination for freebits, and get rid of an entire bitmap.

Lazy sweep

The sweep phase is done generally right after the mark phase. Since normally the collection is triggered by an allocation, this can be a little disrupting for the thread that made that allocation, that has to absorb all the sweeping itself.

Another alternative is to do the sweeping incrementally, by doing it lazy. Instead of finding all the white cells and linking them to the free list immediately, this is done on each allocation. If there is no free cells in the free list, a little sweeping is done until new space can be found.

This can help minimize pauses for the allocating thread.

Current implementation

The current implementation does an eager sweeping.

Optimization opportunities

The sweeping phase can be made lazy. The only disadvantage I see is (well, besides extra complexity) that could make the heap more likely to be fragmented, because consecutive requests are not necessarily made on the same page (a free() call can add new cells from another page to the free list), making the heap more sparse, (which can be bad for the cache too). But I think this is only possible if free() is called explicitly, and this should be fairly rare in a garbage collected system, so I guess this could worth trying.

Lazy sweeping helps the cache too, because in the sweep phase, you might trigger cache misses when linking to the free list. When sweeping lazily, the cache miss is delayed until it's really necessary (the cache miss will happen anyway when you are allocating the free cell).


Even when the current GC is fairly optimized, there is plenty of room for improvements, even preserving the original global design.

Understanding the current GC, the end

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 11 04:46 (updated on 2009- 04- 15 04:10)
tagged d, dgc, druntime, en, gc, mark, mark-sweep, sweep, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

In this post I will take a closer look at the Gcx.mark() and Gcx.fullcollect() functions.

This is a simplified version of the mark algorithm:

mark(from, to)
    changes = 0
    while from < to
        pool = findPool(from)
        offset = from - pool.baseAddr
        page_index = offset / PAGESIZE
        bin_size = pool.pagetable[page_index]
        bit_index = find_bit_index(bin_size, pool, offset)
        if not pool.mark.test(bit_index)
            if not pool.noscan.test(bit_index)
                changes = true
        anychanges |= changes // anychanges is global

In the original version, there are some optimizations and the find_bit_index() function doesn't exist (it does some bit masking to find the right bit index for the bit set). But everything else is pretty much the same.

So far, is evident that the algorithm don't mark the whole heap in one step, because it doesn't follow pointers. It just marks a consecutive chunk of memory, assuming that pointers can be at any place in that memory, as long as they are aligned (from increments in word-sized steps).

fullcollect() is the one in charge of following pointers, and marking chunks of memory. It does it in an iterative way (that's why mark() informs about anychanges (when new pointer should be followed to mark them, or, speaking in the tri-colour abstraction, when grey cells are found).

fullcollect() is huge, so I'll split it up in smaller pieces for the sake of clarity. Let's see what are the basic blocks (see the second part of this series):

    thread_scanAll(mark, stackTop)

Generaly speaking, all the functions that have some CamelCasing are real functions and the ones that are all_lowercase and made up by me.

Let's see each function.

This is part of the threads runtime (found in src/common/core/thread.d). A simple peak at it shows it uses SIGUSR1 to stop the thread. When the signal is caught it pushes all the registers into the stack to be sure any pointers there are scanned in the future. The threads waits for SIGUSR2 to resume.
foreach pool in pooltable
foreach n in B_16 .. B_PAGE
    foreach node in bucket
        pool = findPool(node)
        pool.freebits.set(find_bit_index(pool, node))
        pool.mark.set(find_bit_index(pool, node))
This function, as the name suggests, uses the provided mark function callback to scan the program's static data.
thread_scanAll(mark, stackTop)
This is another threads runtime function, used to mark the suspended threads stacks. I does some calculation about the stack bottom and top, and calls mark(bottom, top), so at this point we have marked all reachable memory from the stack(s).
mark(roots, roots + nroots)
foreach range in ranges
    mark(range.pbot, range.ptop)

This is where most of the marking work is done. The code is really ugly, very hard to read (mainly because of bad variable names) but what it does it's relatively simple, here is the simplified algorithm:

// anychanges is global and was set by the mark()ing of the
// stacks and root set
while anychanges
    anychanges = 0
    foreach pool in pooltable
        foreach bit_pos in pool.scan
            if not pool.scan.test(bit_pos)
            pool.scan.clear(bit_pos) // mark as already scanned
            bin_size = find_bin_for_bit(pool, bit_pos)
            bin_base_addr = find_base_addr_for_bit(pool, bit_pos)
            if bin_size < B_PAGE // small object
                bin_top_addr = bin_base_addr + bin_size
            else if bin_size in [B_PAGE, B_PAGEPLUS] // big object
                page_num = (bin_base_addr - pool.baseAddr) / PAGESIZE
                if bin == B_PAGEPLUS // search for the base page
                    while pool.pagetable[page_num - 1] != B_PAGE
                n_pages = 1
                while page_num + n_pages < pool.ncommitted
                        and pool.pagetable[page_num + n_pages] == B_PAGEPLUS
                bin_top_addr = bin_base_addr + n_pages * PAGESIZE
            mark(bin_base_addr, bin_top_addr)

The original algorithm has some optimizations for proccessing bits in clusters (skips groups of bins without the scan bit) and some kind-of bugs too.

Again, the functions in all_lower_case don't really exist, some pointer arithmetics are done in place for finding those values.

Note that the pools are iterated over and over again until there are no unvisited bins. I guess this is a fair price to pay for not having a mark stack (but I'm not really sure =).

This is, again, part of the threads runtime and resume all the paused threads by signaling a SIGUSR2 to them.

This (invented) function looks for unmarked bins and set the freebits bit on them if they are small objects (bin size smaller than B_PAGE) or mark the entire page as free (B_FREE) in case of large objects.

This step is in charge of executing destructors too (through rt_finalize() the runtime function).


This (also invented) function first clear the free list (bucket) and then rebuild it using the information collected in the previous step.

As usual, only bins with size smaller than B_PAGE are linked to the free list, except if the pages they belong to have all the bins freed, in which case the page is marked with the special B_FREE bin size. The same goes for big objects freed in the previous step.

I think rebuilding the whole free list is not necessary, the new free bins could be just linked to the existing free list. I guess this step exists to help reducing fragmentation, since the rebuilt free list group bins belonging to the same page together.

Understanding the current GC, part IV

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 10 21:33 (updated on 2009- 04- 10 21:33)
tagged d, dgc, druntime, en, freeing, gc, mark-sweep, reallocation, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

What about freeing? Well, is much simpler than allocation =) is a thread-safe wrapper for GC.freeNoSync(ptr).

GC.freeNoSync(ptr) gets the Pool that ptr belongs to and clear its bits. Then, if ptr points to a small object (bin size smaller than B_PAGE), it simply link that bin to the free list (Gcx.bucket). If ptr is a large object, the number of pages used by the object is calculated then all the pages marked as B_FREE (done by Pool.freePages(start, n_pages)).

Then, there is reallocation, which is a little more twisted than free, but doesn't add much value to the analysis. It does what you think it should (maybe except for a possible bug) using functions already seen in this post or in the previous ones.

Understanding the current GC, part III

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 10 05:28 (updated on 2009- 04- 10 05:28)
tagged allocation, d, dgc, druntime, en, gc, mark-sweep, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

In the previous post we focused on the Gcx object, the core of the GC in druntime (and Phobos and Tango, they are all are based on the same implementation). In this post we will focus on allocation, which a little more complex than it should be in my opinion.

It was not an easy task to follow how allocation works. A GC.malloc() call spawns into this function calls:

GC.malloc(size, bits)
 '---> GC.mallocNoSync(size, bits)
        |---> Gcx.allocPage(bin_size)
        |      |
        |      '---> Pool.allocPages(n_pages)
        |             |
        |             '---> Pool.extendPages(n_pages)
        |                    |
        |                    '---> os_mem_commit(addr, offset, size)
        |---> Gcx.fullcollectshell()
        |---> Gcx.newPool(n_pages)
        |      |
        |      '---> Pool.initialize(n_pages)
        |             |
        |             |---> os_mem_map(mem_size)
        |             |
        |             '---> GCBits.alloc(bits_size)
        '---> Gcx.bigAlloc(size)
               |---> Pool.allocPages(n_pages)
               |      '---> (...)
               |---> Gcx.fullcollectshell()
               |---> Gcx.minimize()
               |      |
               |      '---> Pool.Dtor()
               |             |
               |             |---> os_mem_decommit(addr, offset, size)
               |             |
               |             |---> os_mem_map(addr, size)
               |             |
               |             '---> GCBits.Dtor()
               '---> Gcx.newPool(n_pages)
                      '---> (...)

Doesn't look so simple, ugh?

The map/commit differentiation of Windows doesn't exactly help simplicity. Note that Pool.initialize() maps the memory (reserve the address space) while Pool.allocPages() (through Pool.extendPages()) commit the new memory (ask the OS to actually reserve the virtual memory). I don't know how good is this for Windows (or put in another way, how bad could it be for Windows if all mapped memory gets immediately committed), but it adds a new layer of complexity (that's not even needed in Posix OSs). The whole branch starting at Gcx.allocPage(bin_size) would be gone if this distinction it's not made. Besides this, it worsen Posix OSs performance, because there are some non-trivial lookups to handle this non-existing non-committed pages, even when the os_mem_commit() and os_mem_decommit() functions are NOP and can be optimized out, the lookups are there.

Mental Note

See if getting rid of the commit()/decommit() stuff improves Linux performance.

But well, let's forget about this issue for now and live with it. Here is a summary of what all this functions do.


I recommend to give another read to the (updated) previous posts of this series, specially if you are not familiar with the Pool concept and implementation.

GC.malloc(size, bits)
This is just a wrapper for multi-threaded code, it takes the GCLock if necessary and calls GC.mallocNoSync(size, bits).
GC.mallocNoSync(size, bits)

This function has 2 different algorithms for small objects (less than a page of 4KiB) and another for big objects.

It does some common work for both cases, like logging and adding a sentinel for debugging purposes (if those feature are enabled), finding the bin size (bin_size) that better fits size (and cache the result as an optimization for consecutive calls to malloc with the same size) and setting the bits (NO_SCAN, NO_MOVE, FINALIZE) to the allocated bin.

Small objects (bin_size < B_PAGE)
Looks at the free list (Gcx.bucket) trying to find a page with the minimum bin size that's equals or bigger than size. If it can't succeed, it calls Gcx.allocPage(bin_size) to find room in uncommitted pages. If there still no room for the requested amount of memory, it triggers a collection (Gcx.fullcollectshell()). If there is still no luck, Gcx.newPage(1) is called to ask the OS for more memory. Then it calls again Gcx.allocPage(bin_size) (remember the new memory is just mmap'ped but not commit'ed) and if there is no room in the free list still, an out of memory error is issued.
Big objects (B_PAGE and B_PAGEPLUS)
It simply calls Gcx.bigAlloc(size) and issue an out of memory error if that call fails to get the requested memory.
This function linearly search the pooltable for a Pool with an allocable page (i.e. a page already mapped by not yet committed). This is done through a call to Pool.allocPages(1). If a page is found, its bin size is set to bin_size via the Pool's pagetable, and all the bins of that page are linked to the free list (Gcx.bucket).
Search for n_pages consecutive free pages (B_FREE) in the committed pages (pages in the pagetable with index up to ncommited). If they're not found, Pool.extendPages(n_pages) is called to commit some more mapped pages to fulfill the request.
Commit n_pages already mapped pages (calling os_mem_commit()), setting them as free (B_FREE) and updating the ncommited attribute. If there are not that many uncommitted pages, it returns an error.
This function adds a new Pool to the pooltable. It first adjusts the n_pages variable using various rules (for example, it duplicates the current allocated memory until 8MiB are allocated and then allocates 8MiB pools always, unless more memory is requested in the first place, of course). Then a new Pool is created with the adjusted n_pages value and it's initialized calling to Pool.initialize(n_pages), the pooltable is resized to fit the new number of pools (npools) and sorted using Pool.opCmp() (which uses the baseAddr to compare). Finally the minAddr and maxAddr attributes are updated.
Initializes all the Pool attributes, mapping the requested number of pages (n_pages) using os_mem_map(). All the bit sets (mark, scan, freebits, noscan) are allocated (using GCBits.alloc()) to n_pages * PAGESIZE / 16 bits and the pagetable too, setting all bins to B_UNCOMMITTED and ncommitted to 0.

This is the weirdest function by far. There are very strange things, but I'll try to explain what I understand from it (what I think it's trying to do).

It first make a simple lookup in the pooltable for n_pages consecutive pages in any existing Pool (calling Pool.allocPages(n_pages) as in Gcx.allocPage()). If this fails, it runs a fullcollectshell() (if not disabled) then calls to minimize() (to prevent bloat) and then create a new pool (calling newPool() followed by Pool.allocPages()). If all that fails, it returns an error. If something succeed, the bin size for the first page is set to B_PAGE and the remaining pages are set to B_PAGEPLUS (if any). If there is any unused memory at the end, it's initialized to 0 (to prevent false positives when scanning I guess).

The weird thing about this, is that a lot of lookups into the pooltable are done in certain condition, but I think they are not needed because there are no changes that can make new room.

I don't know if this is legacy code that never got updated and have a lot of useless lookups or if I'm getting something wrong. Help is welcome!

There is not much to say about os_mem_xxx(), Gcx.minimize() and Gcx.fullcollectshell() functions, they were briefly described in the previous posts of this series. Pool.Dtor() just undo what was done in Pool.initialize().

A final word about the free list (Gcx.bucket). It's just a simple linked list. It uses the first size_t bytes of the free bin to point to the next free bin (there's always room for a pointer in a bin because their minimum size is 16 bytes). A simple structure is used to easy this:

struct List {
    List *next;

Then, the memory cell is casted to this structure to use the next pointer, like this:

p = gcx.bucket[bin]
gcx.bucket[bin] = (cast(List*) p).next

I really have my doubts if this is even a little less cryptic than:

p = gcx.bucket[bin]
gcx.bucket[bin] = *(cast(void**) p)

But what the hell, this is no really important =)

Understanding the current GC, part II

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 06 00:00 (updated on 2009- 04- 15 04:10)
tagged d, dgc, druntime, en, gc, gcx, mark-sweep, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

Back to the analysis of the current GC implementation, in this post I will focus on the Gcx object structure and methods.

Gcx attributes

Root set
roots (nroots, rootdim)
An array of root pointers.
ranges (nranges, rangedim)
An array of root ranges (a range of memory that should be scanned for root pointers).
Beginning of the stack (stackBottom)
A pointer to the stack bottom (assuming it grows up).
Pool table (pooltable, npools)
An array of pointers to Pool objects (the heap itself).
Free list (bucket)
A free list for each Bins size.
Internal state
Set if the marking of a range has actually marked anything (and then using in the full collection.
Set if the GC has been initialized.
Behaviour changing attributes
Don't scan the stack if activated.
Turn on logging if activated.
Don't run the collector if activated.
Cache (for optimizations and such)
p_cache, size_cache
Querying the size of a heap object is an expensive task. This caches the last query as an optimization.
minAddr, maxAddr
All the heap is in this range. It's used as an optimization when looking if a pointer can be pointing into the heap (if the pointer is not in this range it can be safely discarded, but if it's in the range, a full search in the pooltable should be done).

Gcx main methods

Initialization, set the Gcx object attributes to 0, except for the stackBottom (which is set to the address of a dummy local variable, this works because this function is one of the first functions called by the runtime) and the inited flag, that is set to 1. The log is initialized too.
Destruction, free all the memory.
Root set manipulation
addRoot(p), removeRoot(p), rootIter(dg)
Add, remove and iterate over single root pointers.
addRange(pbot, ptop), remove range(pbot), rangeIter(dg)
Add, remove and iterate over root pointer ranges. This methods are almost the same as the previous ones, so the code duplication here can be improved here.
Flags manipulation

Each Bin has some flags associated (as explained before). With this functions the user can manipulate some of them:

  • FINALIZE: this pool has destructors to be called (final flag)
  • NO_SCAN: this pool should not be scanned for pointers (noscan flag)
  • NO_MOVE: this pool shouldn't be moved (not implemented)
getBits(pool, biti)
Get which of the flags specified by biti are set for the pool Pool.
setBits(pool, mask)
Set the flags specified by mask for the pool Pool.
clrBits(pool, mask)
Clear the flags specified by mask for the pool Pool.
Find the Pool object that pointer p is in.
Find the base address of block containing pointer p.
Find the size of the block pointed by p.
Get information on the pointer p. The information is composed of: base (the base address of the block), size (the size of the block) and attr (the flags associated to the block, as shown in Flag manipulation). This information is returned as a structure called the BlkInfo.
Compute Bins (bin size) for an object of size size.
Heap (pagetable) manipulation

The pooltable is kept sorted always.

Allocate a new Pool of at least size bytes.
Minimizes physical memory usage by returning free pools to the OS.
Allocate a chunk of memory that is larger than a page.
Allocate a new Pool with at least npages pages in it.
Allocate a page of bin size.
mark(pbot, ptop)

This is the mark phase. It search a range of memory values and mark any pointers into the GC heap. The mark bit is set, and if the noscan bit is unset, the scan bit is activated (indicating that the block should be scanned for pointers, equivalent to coloring the cell grey in the tri-colour abstraction).

The mark phase is not recursive (nor a mark stack is used). Only the passed range is marked, pointers are not followed here.

That's why the anychanges flag is used, if anything has got marked, anychanges is set to true. The marking phase is done iteratively until no more blocks are marked, in which case we can safely assume that we marked all the live blocks.

The purpose of the shell is to ensure all the registers get put on the stack so they'll be scanned.

Collect memory that is not referenced by the program. The algorithm is something like this:

  1. Stop the world (all other threads)
  2. Clear all the mark/scan bits in the pools
  3. Manually mark each free list entry (bucket), so it doesn't get scanned
  4. mark() the static data
  5. mark() stacks and registers for each paused thread
  6. mark() the root set (both roots and ranges)
  7. mark() the heap iteratively until no more changes are detected (anychanges is false)
  8. Start the world (all other threads)
  9. Sweep (free up everything not marked)
  10. Free complete pages, rebuild free list


This is a very summarized version of the algorithm, what I could understand from a quick look into the code, which is pretty much undocumented. A deeper analysis should be done in a following post.

Understanding the current GC

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 01- 04 20:37 (updated on 2009- 04- 09 22:53)
tagged bin, d, dgc, druntime, en, gc, intro, mark-sweep, pool, understanding the current gc - with 1 comment(s)

Oh, yeah! A new year, a new air, and the same thesis =)

After a little break, I'm finally starting to analyze the current D (druntime) GC (basic) implementation in depth.

First I want to say I found the code really, but really, hard to read and follow. Things are split in several parts without apparent reason, which make it really hard to understand and it's pretty much undocumented.

I hope I can fully understand it in some time to be able to make a full rewrite of it (in a first pass, conserving the main design).


I'll start with a big picture overview, and then I'll try to describe each component with more detail.

The implementation in split in several files:

I didn't took a look at this one yet, but I guess it's about stats =).
A custom bitset implementation for collector bit/flags (mark, scan, etc.).
A wrapper for memory allocation with several versions (malloc, win32, mmap and valloc). 4 functions are provided: map, unmap, commit and decommit. The (de)commit stuff if because (in Sean Kelly's words) Windows has a 2-phase allocation process. You can reserve the address space via map and unmap, but the virtual memory isn't actually created until you call commit. So decommit gets rid of the virtual memory but retains ownership of the address space.
The real GC implementation, split in 2 main classes/structs: GC and Gcx. GC seems to be a thin wrapper over Gcx that only provides the allocation logic (alloc/realloc/free) and Gcx seems to be the responsible for the real GC work (and holding the memory).
This is just a thin wrapper over gcx.d to adapt it to the druntime GC interface.

The Gcx struct is where most magic happens. It holds the GC memory organized in pools. It holds the information about roots, the stack and free list, but in this post I'll focus in the memory pools:

Pool Concept

A pool is a group of pages, each page has a bin size (Bins) and host a fixed number of bins (PAGESIZE / Bins, for example, if Bins == 1024 and PAGESIZE == 4096, the page holds 4 bins).

Each bin has some bits of information:

Setted when the Bin is visited by the mark phase.
Setted when the Bin is has been visited by the mark phase (the mark bit is set) but it has pointers yet to be scanned.
Setted when the Bin is free (linked to a free list).
The object stored in this bin has a destructor that must be called when freed.
This bin should be not scanned by the collector (it has no pointers).
| Page 0 (bin size: Bins)                | ... | Page (npages-1) |
|                                        |     |                 |
| +--------+-----+---------------------+ |     |                 |
| | Bin 0  | ... | Bin (PAGESIZE/Bins) | |     |                 |
| +--------+-----+---------------------+ |     |                 |
| | mark   | ... |                     | |     |                 |
| | scan   | ... |                     | |     |       ...       |
| | free   | ... |         ...         | |     |                 |
| | final  | ... |                     | |     |                 |
| | noscan | ... |                     | |     |                 |
| +--------+-----+---------------------+ |     |                 |

Pool Implementation

A single chunk of memory is allocated for the whole pool, the baseAddr points to the start of the chunk, the topAddr, to the end. A pagetable holds the bin size (Bins) of each page

.          ,-- baseAddr                                   topAddr --,
           |                   ncommitted = i                       |
           |                                                        |
           |--- committed pages ---,------ uncommitted pages -------|
           V                       |                                V
    memory | Page 0 | Page 1 | ... | Page i | ... | Page (npages-1) |
               /\       /\      /\     /\      /\          /\
               ||       ||      ||     ||      ||          ||
 pagetable | Bins 0 | Bins 1 | ... | Bins i | ... | Bins (npages-1) |
(bin size) +--------+--------+-----+--------+-----+-----------------+

The bin size can be one of:

The XXX is a power of 2 from 16 to 4096. The special name B_PAGE is used for the size 4096.
The whole page is a continuation of a large object (the first page of a large object has size B_PAGE).
The page is completely free.
The page is not committed yet.
Not really a value, used for iteration or allocation. Pages can't have this value.

The information bits are stored in a custom bit set (GCBits). npages * PAGESIZE / 16 bits are allocated (since the smallest bin is 16 bytes long) and each bit is addressed using this formula:

bit(pointer) = (pointer - baseAddr) / 16

This means that a bit is reserved each 16 bytes. For large bin sizes, a lot of bits are wasted.

The minimum pool size is 256 pages. With 4096 bytes pages, that is 1 MiB.

The GCBits implementation deserves another post, it's a little complex and I still don't understand why.