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Understanding the current GC, part IV

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 10 21:33 (updated on 2009- 04- 10 21:33)
tagged d, dgc, druntime, en, freeing, gc, mark-sweep, reallocation, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

What about freeing? Well, is much simpler than allocation =) is a thread-safe wrapper for GC.freeNoSync(ptr).

GC.freeNoSync(ptr) gets the Pool that ptr belongs to and clear its bits. Then, if ptr points to a small object (bin size smaller than B_PAGE), it simply link that bin to the free list (Gcx.bucket). If ptr is a large object, the number of pages used by the object is calculated then all the pages marked as B_FREE (done by Pool.freePages(start, n_pages)).

Then, there is reallocation, which is a little more twisted than free, but doesn't add much value to the analysis. It does what you think it should (maybe except for a possible bug) using functions already seen in this post or in the previous ones.

Understanding the current GC, part III

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 04- 10 05:28 (updated on 2009- 04- 10 05:28)
tagged allocation, d, dgc, druntime, en, gc, mark-sweep, understanding the current gc - with 0 comment(s)

In the previous post we focused on the Gcx object, the core of the GC in druntime (and Phobos and Tango, they are all are based on the same implementation). In this post we will focus on allocation, which a little more complex than it should be in my opinion.

It was not an easy task to follow how allocation works. A GC.malloc() call spawns into this function calls:

GC.malloc(size, bits)
 '---> GC.mallocNoSync(size, bits)
        |---> Gcx.allocPage(bin_size)
        |      |
        |      '---> Pool.allocPages(n_pages)
        |             |
        |             '---> Pool.extendPages(n_pages)
        |                    |
        |                    '---> os_mem_commit(addr, offset, size)
        |---> Gcx.fullcollectshell()
        |---> Gcx.newPool(n_pages)
        |      |
        |      '---> Pool.initialize(n_pages)
        |             |
        |             |---> os_mem_map(mem_size)
        |             |
        |             '---> GCBits.alloc(bits_size)
        '---> Gcx.bigAlloc(size)
               |---> Pool.allocPages(n_pages)
               |      '---> (...)
               |---> Gcx.fullcollectshell()
               |---> Gcx.minimize()
               |      |
               |      '---> Pool.Dtor()
               |             |
               |             |---> os_mem_decommit(addr, offset, size)
               |             |
               |             |---> os_mem_map(addr, size)
               |             |
               |             '---> GCBits.Dtor()
               '---> Gcx.newPool(n_pages)
                      '---> (...)

Doesn't look so simple, ugh?

The map/commit differentiation of Windows doesn't exactly help simplicity. Note that Pool.initialize() maps the memory (reserve the address space) while Pool.allocPages() (through Pool.extendPages()) commit the new memory (ask the OS to actually reserve the virtual memory). I don't know how good is this for Windows (or put in another way, how bad could it be for Windows if all mapped memory gets immediately committed), but it adds a new layer of complexity (that's not even needed in Posix OSs). The whole branch starting at Gcx.allocPage(bin_size) would be gone if this distinction it's not made. Besides this, it worsen Posix OSs performance, because there are some non-trivial lookups to handle this non-existing non-committed pages, even when the os_mem_commit() and os_mem_decommit() functions are NOP and can be optimized out, the lookups are there.

Mental Note

See if getting rid of the commit()/decommit() stuff improves Linux performance.

But well, let's forget about this issue for now and live with it. Here is a summary of what all this functions do.


I recommend to give another read to the (updated) previous posts of this series, specially if you are not familiar with the Pool concept and implementation.

GC.malloc(size, bits)
This is just a wrapper for multi-threaded code, it takes the GCLock if necessary and calls GC.mallocNoSync(size, bits).
GC.mallocNoSync(size, bits)

This function has 2 different algorithms for small objects (less than a page of 4KiB) and another for big objects.

It does some common work for both cases, like logging and adding a sentinel for debugging purposes (if those feature are enabled), finding the bin size (bin_size) that better fits size (and cache the result as an optimization for consecutive calls to malloc with the same size) and setting the bits (NO_SCAN, NO_MOVE, FINALIZE) to the allocated bin.

Small objects (bin_size < B_PAGE)
Looks at the free list (Gcx.bucket) trying to find a page with the minimum bin size that's equals or bigger than size. If it can't succeed, it calls Gcx.allocPage(bin_size) to find room in uncommitted pages. If there still no room for the requested amount of memory, it triggers a collection (Gcx.fullcollectshell()). If there is still no luck, Gcx.newPage(1) is called to ask the OS for more memory. Then it calls again Gcx.allocPage(bin_size) (remember the new memory is just mmap'ped but not commit'ed) and if there is no room in the free list still, an out of memory error is issued.
Big objects (B_PAGE and B_PAGEPLUS)
It simply calls Gcx.bigAlloc(size) and issue an out of memory error if that call fails to get the requested memory.
This function linearly search the pooltable for a Pool with an allocable page (i.e. a page already mapped by not yet committed). This is done through a call to Pool.allocPages(1). If a page is found, its bin size is set to bin_size via the Pool's pagetable, and all the bins of that page are linked to the free list (Gcx.bucket).
Search for n_pages consecutive free pages (B_FREE) in the committed pages (pages in the pagetable with index up to ncommited). If they're not found, Pool.extendPages(n_pages) is called to commit some more mapped pages to fulfill the request.
Commit n_pages already mapped pages (calling os_mem_commit()), setting them as free (B_FREE) and updating the ncommited attribute. If there are not that many uncommitted pages, it returns an error.
This function adds a new Pool to the pooltable. It first adjusts the n_pages variable using various rules (for example, it duplicates the current allocated memory until 8MiB are allocated and then allocates 8MiB pools always, unless more memory is requested in the first place, of course). Then a new Pool is created with the adjusted n_pages value and it's initialized calling to Pool.initialize(n_pages), the pooltable is resized to fit the new number of pools (npools) and sorted using Pool.opCmp() (which uses the baseAddr to compare). Finally the minAddr and maxAddr attributes are updated.
Initializes all the Pool attributes, mapping the requested number of pages (n_pages) using os_mem_map(). All the bit sets (mark, scan, freebits, noscan) are allocated (using GCBits.alloc()) to n_pages * PAGESIZE / 16 bits and the pagetable too, setting all bins to B_UNCOMMITTED and ncommitted to 0.

This is the weirdest function by far. There are very strange things, but I'll try to explain what I understand from it (what I think it's trying to do).

It first make a simple lookup in the pooltable for n_pages consecutive pages in any existing Pool (calling Pool.allocPages(n_pages) as in Gcx.allocPage()). If this fails, it runs a fullcollectshell() (if not disabled) then calls to minimize() (to prevent bloat) and then create a new pool (calling newPool() followed by Pool.allocPages()). If all that fails, it returns an error. If something succeed, the bin size for the first page is set to B_PAGE and the remaining pages are set to B_PAGEPLUS (if any). If there is any unused memory at the end, it's initialized to 0 (to prevent false positives when scanning I guess).

The weird thing about this, is that a lot of lookups into the pooltable are done in certain condition, but I think they are not needed because there are no changes that can make new room.

I don't know if this is legacy code that never got updated and have a lot of useless lookups or if I'm getting something wrong. Help is welcome!

There is not much to say about os_mem_xxx(), Gcx.minimize() and Gcx.fullcollectshell() functions, they were briefly described in the previous posts of this series. Pool.Dtor() just undo what was done in Pool.initialize().

A final word about the free list (Gcx.bucket). It's just a simple linked list. It uses the first size_t bytes of the free bin to point to the next free bin (there's always room for a pointer in a bin because their minimum size is 16 bytes). A simple structure is used to easy this:

struct List {
    List *next;

Then, the memory cell is casted to this structure to use the next pointer, like this:

p = gcx.bucket[bin]
gcx.bucket[bin] = (cast(List*) p).next

I really have my doubts if this is even a little less cryptic than:

p = gcx.bucket[bin]
gcx.bucket[bin] = *(cast(void**) p)

But what the hell, this is no really important =)