DMDFE copyright assigned to the FSF?
by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 11- 10 23:07 (updated on 2010- 11- 10 23:07)- with 0 comment(s)
Google's Go will be part of GCC
by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 01- 28 14:40 (updated on 2010- 01- 28 14:40)- with 0 comment(s)
Wow! Google's Go (remember there is another Go) programming language front-end for GCC has been accepted for merging into GCC 4.5.
Just when there was some discussion (started by Jerry Quinn [*]) in D on how the DMD front-end could be pushed to be merged in GCC too, but DigitalMars (Walter) doesn't want to give away the copyright of his front-end (they are exploring some alternative options though). Maybe the inclusion of Google's Go makes Walter think harder for a solution to the legal problems :).
[*] | He reported a lot of bugs in the language specification because he was planning to start a new D front-end, which can be donated to the FSF for inclusion in GCC. |