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ZCT and cycles

by Leandro Lucarella on 2008- 08- 30 16:08 (updated on 2008- 08- 30 16:08)
tagged bobrow, cycles, d, deferred, deutsch, dgc, en, rc, zct - with 0 comment(s)

There's not much to think about it (I think ;).

ZCT doesn't help in cycles reclaiming, because ZCT tracks cells with zero count, and cycles can't possibly have a zero count (even using deferred reference counting), because they are, by definition, inter-heap pointers.

Let's see a simple example:

Memory layout before a cycle is lost

First, we have 3 heap cells, A pointed only by the (thus with rc 0 and added to the ZCT) and B pointed by A and in a cycle with C.

If sometime later, A stop pointing to B, the cycle B-C is not pointed by anything (the ZCT can't do anything about it either), so we lost track of the cycle.

Memory layout after a cycle is lost

Does this mean that deferred reference counting is useless? I think not. It could still be useful to do some kind of incremental garbage collection, minimizing pauses for a lot of cases. As long as the ZCT reconciliation can find free cells, the pauses of GC would be as short as tracing only the stack, which I think it would be pretty short.

Mental note

See how often cycles are found in tipical D programs.

If the ZCT reconciliation can't find free cells, a full collection should be triggered, using a tracing collector to inspect both the stack and the heap. Alternatively, one can a potential cycle table to store cells which rc has been decremented to a value higher than zero, and then just trace those cells to look for cycles, but we will see this algorithm in more detail in the future.