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Release: Mutt with NNTP Debian package 1.5.21-5nntp2

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 04 17:24 (updated on 2012- 07- 04 17:24)
tagged debian, en, mutt, nntp, package, patch, release, ubuntu, vsevolod volkov - with 0 comment(s)

A new version of Mutt with NNTP support is available. This version only moves Mutt with NNTP support to a separate package in the hopes of having a smoother interaction with the distribution packages (avoiding automatic updates with less hassle). Now a new mutt-nntp package is generated.

If you have Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) and amd64 or i386 arch, just download and install the provided packages.

For other setups, here are the quick (copy&paste) instructions:

wget $url/mutt_$deb_ver.dsc $url/mutt_$deb_ver.diff.gz \$ver.orig.tar.gz
sudo apt-get build-dep mutt
dpkg-source -x mutt_$deb_ver.dsc
cd mutt-$ver
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
# install any missing packages reported by dpkg-buildpackage and try again
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i mutt-nntp_${deb_ver}_*.deb

Now you can enjoy reading your favourite newsgroups and your favourite mailing lists via Gmane with Mutt without leaving the beauty of your packaging system. No need to thank me, I'm glad to be helpful (but if you want to make a donation, just let me know ;).


You should always install the same mutt version as the one the mutt-nntp is based on (i.e. the version number without the nntpX suffix, for example if mutt-nntp version is 1.5.21-5nntp1, your mutt version should be 1.5.21-5). I'm not forcing that in the dependencies because in general it shouldn't be a big issue using an older version. You could also install the generated/provided mutt package, but that might be problematic when upgrading your distribution.

See the project page for more details.