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Napoleón Puppy

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 12- 17 20:26 (updated on 2013- 04- 13 18:29)
tagged ellos me quieren llevar, es, music, napoleón puppy, pelusa suero, retro, trisagio del soltero, voz - with 0 comment(s)

Recuerdos de la infancia...


Por ahora saqué las cosas embebidas de goear porque estaba listado como infectado.

Dejo los links, y que cada uno tenga cuidado de entrar bajo su propia responsabilidad...

Cosa bizarra si las hubo. Un poco más de información sobre este personaje bizarro que seguramente les suene por ser la voz principal de los doblajes de Hijitus y García Ferré en general:

Todavía me acuerdo patente de dar vuelta el vinilo (que tenía una canción de cada lado) y esucharlo una y otra vez...

Toshiba Satellite/Portege Z830/R830 frequency lock (and BIOS upgrade)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 11- 28 23:21 (updated on 2012- 11- 28 23:21)
tagged bios, conservative, cpufreq, en, frequency, hardware, linux, ondemand, performance, portege, r830, satellite, toshiba, upgrade, z830 - with 0 comment(s)

Fuck! I bought this extremely nice ultrabook, the Toshiba Satellite Z830-10J, about an year ago, and I've been experiencing some problems with CPU frequency scaling.

At one point I looked and looked for kernel bugs without much success. I went through several kernel updates in the hope of this being fixed, but never happened.

It seemed that the problem wasn't so bad after all, because I only got the CPU frequency locked down to the minimum when using the ondemand scaling governor, but the conservative was working apparently OK.

Just a little more latency I thought, is not that bad.

Recently I received an update on a related bug and I thought about giving it another shot. This mentioned something about booting with processor.ignore_ppc=1 to ignore some BIOS warning about temperature to overcome some faulty BIOS, so I thought on trying that.

But before doing, if this were a real BIOS problem, I thought about looking for some BIOS update. And there was one. The European Toshiba website offered only a Windows program to do the update though, but fortunately I found in a forum a suggestion about using the non-European BIOS upgrade instead, which was provided also as an ISO image. The problem is I don't have a CD-ROM, but that shouldn't stop me, I still have USB sticks and hard-drives, how hard could it be? I failed with UNetbootin but quickly found a nice article explaining how to boot an ISO image directly with grub.

BIOS upgraded, problem not fixed. So I was a about to try the kernel parameter when I remembered I saw some other article when googling desperately for answers suggesting changing some BIOS options to fix a similar problem.

So I though about messing with the BIOS first instead. The first option I saw that looked a little suspicious was in:

   -> BIOS Power Management
      -> Battery Save Mode (using custom settings)
         -> Processor Speed

That is supposed to be only for non-ACPI capable OS, so I thought it shouldn't be a problem, but I tried with <High> instead.


I start noticing the notebook booting much faster, but I thought maybe it was all in my mind...

But no, then my session opened way faster too, and everything was extremely faster. I think maybe about twice as fast. Everything feels a lot more responsive too. I can't believe I spend almost an year with this performance penalty. FUCKING FAULTY BIOS. I didn't make any battery life comparisons yet, but my guess is everything will go well, because it should still consume very little power when idle.

Anyway, lesson learned:

Less blaming to the kernel, more blaming to the hardware manufacturers.

But I still want to clarify that I love this notebook. I found it a perfect combination between features, weight and battery life, and now that it runs twice as fast (at least in my brain), is even better.

Hope this is useful for someone.

SecurityKiss + Dante == bye bye censorship

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 11- 25 20:00 (updated on 2012- 11- 28 21:28)
tagged censorship, dante, dante-server, danted, en, foxyproxy, gema, germany, proxy, securitykiss, socks - with 3 comment(s)

I live in Germany, and unfortunately there is something in Germany called GEMA, which basically censor any content that "might have copyrighted music".

Among the sites being censored are Grooveshark (completely banned) and YouTube (only banned if the video might have copyrighted music according to some algorithm made by Google). Basically this is because GEMA want these company to pay royalties for each time some copyrighted song get streamed). AFAIK Grooveshark don't want to pay at all, and Google want to pay a fixed fee (which is what it does in every other country), because it makes no sense to do otherwise, since anyone can just endlessly get a song streamed over and over again just to be paid.

Even when the model is debatable, there is a key aspect and why I call this censorship: not all the banned content is copyrighted or protected by GEMA.

  • In Grooveshark there are plenty of bands that release their music using more friendly license, like CC.
  • There are official videos posted in YouTube by the bands themselves and embedded in the band official website that is banned by GEMA.
  • There are videos in YouTube that doesn't have copyrighted music at all, but they have to cover their asses and ban everything suspicious just in case.
  • The personal videos that do have copyrighted music get banned completely, not only muted.

These are just the examples that pop on my mind now.

There are plenty of ways to bypass this censorship and they are the only way to access legal content in Germany that gets unfairly banned, not only harming the consumers, but also the artists, because most of the time having their music exposed in YouTube only spreads the word and do more good than harm.

HideMyAss is a popular choice for a web proxy. But I like SecurityKiss, a free VPN (up to 300MB per day), because it gives a more comprehensive solution.

But here comes the technical chalenge! :) I don't want to route all my traffic through the VPN, or to have to turn the VPN on and off again each time I want to see the censored content. What I want is to see some websites through the VPN. A challenge that proved to be harder than I initially thought and why I'm posting it here.

So the final setup I got working is:

And here is how I did it (in Ubuntu 12.10):

OpenVPN server

Install the package:

sudo apt-get install openvpn

Get the configuration bundle generated for you account in the control panel and then create a /etc/openvpn/sk.conf file with this content:

dev tunsk
proto udp

# VPN server IP : PORT
# (pick the server you want from the README file in the bundle)
remote 123

ca   /etc/ssl/private/openvpn-sk/ca.crt
cert /etc/ssl/private/openvpn-sk/client.crt
key  /etc/ssl/private/openvpn-sk/client.key

comp-lzo yes

user openvpn
group nogroup

script-security 2

route-up "/etc/openvpn/ up"

down "/usr/bin/sudo /etc/openvpn/ down"

Install the certificate and key files from the bundle in /etc/ssl/private/openvpn-sk/ with the names specified in the sk.conf file.

Create the tun device:

mknod /dev/net/tunsk c 10 200

Start the VPN at system start (optional):

echo 'AUTOSTART="sk"' >> /etc/default/openvpn

Add the openvpn system user:

adduser --system --home /etc/openvpn openvpn

Now we need to route some specific traffic only through the VPN. I choose to discriminate traffic by the uid/gid of the application that generated it. So with the route-up and down script we will do all the special routing. I also want my default route table to be untouched, that's why I used route-noexec. Here is how the /etc/openvpn/ script looks for me:

# Based on:

#exec >> /tmp/log
#exec 2>> /tmp/log.err
#set -x

# Config

umark_rule="OUTPUT -t mangle -m owner --uid-owner $uid -j MARK --set-mark $mark"
gmark_rule="OUTPUT -t mangle -m owner --gid-owner $gid -j MARK --set-mark $mark"
masq_rule="POSTROUTING -t nat -o $dev -j SNAT --to-source $ifconfig_local"

        # Save environment
        env > $env_file

        # Route all traffic marked with $mark through route table $table
        ip rule add fwmark $mark table $table

        # Make all traffic go through the VPN gateway in route table $table
        ip route add table $table default via $route_vpn_gateway dev $dev

        # Except for the internal traffic
        ip route | grep "dev $priv_dev" | \
                        xargs -n1 -d'\n' echo ip route add table $table | sh

        # Flush route tables cache
        ip route flush cache

        # Mark packets originated by processes with owner $uid/$gid with $mark
        iptables -A $umark_rule
        iptables -A $gmark_rule

        # Prevent the packets sent over $dev getting the LAN addr as source IP
        iptables -A $masq_rule

        # Relax the reverse path source validation
        sysctl -w "net.ipv4.conf.$dev.rp_filter=2"

        # Restore and remove environment
        . $env_file
        rm $env_file

        # Since the device is already removed, there is no need to clean
        # anything that was referencing the device because it was already
        # removed by the kernel.

        # Delete iptable rules
        iptables -D $umark_rule
        iptables -D $gmark_rule

        # Delete route table and rules for lookup
        ip rule del fwmark $mark table $table

        # Flush route tables cache
        ip route flush cache

if test "$1" = "up"
elif test "$1" = "down"
        echo "Usage: $0 (up|down)" >&2
        exit 1

I hope this is clear enough. Finally we need to add the skvpn user/group (for which all the traffic will be routed via the VPN) and let the openvpn user run the setup script:

sudo adduser --system --home /etc/openvpn --group skvpn
sudo visudo

In the editor, add this line:

openvpn ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/openvpn/

Now if you do:

sudo service openvpn start

You should get a working VPN that is only used for processes that runs using the user/group skvpn. You can try it with:

sudo -u skvpn wget -qO- | grep YOUR.IP

Besides some HTML, you should see the VPN IP there instead of your own (you can check your own by running the same without sudo -u skvpn).

Dante Socks Server

This should be pretty easy to configure, if it weren't for Ubuntu coming with an ancient (1.x when there is a 1.4 beta already) BROKEN package. So to make it work you have to compile it yourself. The easiest way is to get a sightly more updated package from Debian experimental. Here is the quick recipe to build the package, if you want to learn more about the details behind this, there is always Google:

cd /tmp
for suffix in .orig.tar.gz -3.dsc -3.debian.tar.bz2
sudo apt-get build-dep dante-server
dpkg-source -x dante_1.2.2+dfsg-3.dsc
cd dante_1.2.2+dfsg
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
cd ..
dpkg -i /tmp/dante-server_1.2.2+dfsg-3_amd64.deb

Now you can configure Dante, this is my configuration file as an example, it just allow unauthenticated access to all clients in the private network:

logoutput: syslog

internal: port = 1080
external: tunsk

clientmethod: none
method: none

user.privileged: skvpn
user.unprivileged: skvpn
user.libwrap: skvpn

client pass {
        from: port 1-65535 to:
        log: error # connect disconnect
client pass {
        from: port 1-65535 to:

#generic pass statement - bind/outgoing traffic
pass {
        from: to:
        command: bind connect udpassociate
        log: error # connect disconnect iooperation
#generic pass statement for incoming connections/packets
pass {
        from: to:
        command: bindreply udpreply
        log: error # connect disconnect iooperation

I hope you get the idea...

Now just start dante:

sudo service danted start

And now you have a socks proxy that output all his traffic through the VPN while any other network traffic goes through the normal channels!

FoxyProxy Addon

Setting up FoxyProxy should be trivial at this point (just create a new proxy server pointing to dante and set it as SOCKS v5), but just as a pointer, here are some example rules (set them as Whitelist and Regular Expression):


PulseAudio flat volumes

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 11- 06 20:57 (updated on 2012- 11- 06 20:57)
tagged alsa, en, flat volumes, master, pulse audio, pulseaudio, volume - with 0 comment(s)

Just a quick note because it took me ages to find out how to do it.

I don't really use the feature of pulseaudio that gives every application their own volume instead of manipulating the master volume directly, and lately it became more and more a problem, as I want to use applications like mpd or xbmc that allow remote controlling, and for that having separate volumes makes no sense.

I managed to fix it in mpd once, by using a mixed setup, using pulse as output, but the hardware alsa mixer, but for xbmc I couldn't find a way.

So that made me think if I really wanted the split volumes thingy, and the answer was no. After looking for hours for how to do it, the answer is pretty trivial. Just edit /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and change the flat-volumes option to yes.

You are welcome.

George Carlin on religion and God

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 10- 19 13:10 (updated on 2012- 10- 19 13:10)
tagged comedy, en, fun, george carlin, god, humour, religion, stand up, video, youtube - with 0 comment(s)

A little old, but always fun!

Sergio Denis en Berlín

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 10- 16 14:48 (updated on 2012- 10- 16 14:48)
tagged , 1/23s, 5.2 mm, auto, f/2.8, iso200, n900, photo, pic, sergio denis en berlín - with 0 comment(s)

Bienvenido Sergio Denis a Berlín!

Sergio Denis

Sergio Denis


by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 10- 15 10:44 (updated on 2012- 10- 15 22:40)
tagged activism, art, cc, en, f.a.t., floss, hacking, politics, share, video, youtube - with 0 comment(s)

Reminds me a little of The Yes Men.


You might want to take a look at the other videos from the PBS Off Book series if you liked this one.

Declassified U.S. Nuclear Test Film #55

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 10- 09 10:11 (updated on 2012- 10- 09 13:11)
tagged cold war, declassified, en, film, nuclear, test, us, video, youtube - with 0 comment(s)


I'm sorry, youtube related feature is too dangerous :P. This is a timeline of all the nuclear bombs dropped between 1945 and 1998. It starts slow, but don't worry, it will speed up to reach the 2000+ bombs dropped in that period, more than 50% by USA. Is funny they use "might have weapons of mass destruction" as an excuse to invade countries when they are by far the country that dropeed the most nuclear bombs. Maybe they dropped them all and now they have none :P

Stuart Murdoch stake on Spotify and music streaming companies

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 10- 04 22:45 (updated on 2012- 10- 04 22:45)
tagged art, belle & sebastian, cc, en, labels, music, politics, spotify, streaming, stuart murdoch - with 0 comment(s)

OK, first of all, this is pretty old (more than one year) but I just bumped into it and it seems interesting enough for me to post it.

Belle & Sebastian's singer, Stuart Murdoch, have posted his mind about Spotify and music streaming services, which apparently are ripping off artists way worse even than traditional record companies (see graph below).

I'll transcribe the part of the post found most interesting (well, it's actually almost the whole post) for convenience (bold added by me), but you can read the whole post for unbiased and complete information :)

[...] Ok, now my point, and probably my only important point: I’m certainly not against ‘the generation who no longer pay for music.’ That horse has bolted. And hey, I like that horse! It’s free and young and happy and doing its horsey thing.

What has had me conflicted is Spotify itself. Overnight, this thing appeared called Spotify, claiming it was a great idea, innovative, the saviour of the industry. From what I can gather, and no one has been able to tell me differently, it’s financed by a gathering of the top (ie. richest) people, from the top (ie. richest) record labels.

Overnight, the whole Belle And Sebastian back catalogue became available to stream, for anybody, for free, for good. We weren’t asked about it.

“How were you not asked?” I can imagine you would say. That’s exactly what I asked the record label. Their answer was not that informative. They mumbled something about a distribution company, that was under some umbrella; that it wasn’t up to them.

Can I just stress that Rough Trade is certainly not one of the aforementioned ‘richest’ record companies. I feel a bit bad for them. I’m gathering that they thought they had nothing to lose with the Spotify thing, that they had to try something new. (Kids, if there’s a less viable career choice than ‘independent recording artist’ at the minute, I would certainly say it was ‘independent record label.’)

Anyway, that’s enough of the angst. I’ve said it to the rest of the band, and I’ll say it again, “just because we’re in a band, it doesn’t make it a bloody pension plan”. We’ve had, and continue to have, a brilliant time making music and playing music and dreaming, and just about getting away with it. If it just got harder, then that’s because it should be hard. I think in the end it will make the music, the art, better.

I’m not even so much against Spotify. If they can get their model right, ie pay the bands something approaching appropriate amounts, then it will be all ok. I’m ready to throw my lot in with them; I mean, I use it now. And if I was 19 I would have used it too. (Would have used it to decide which vinyl/music to buy/see, as I’m sure lots of people still do)

It just seemed rich of them that they decided to charge everyone. They lured everyone in with ‘Our’ music (the royal ‘Our’), which they didn’t pay for, and now, probably because a shareholder somewhere is sitting in a Porsche, crying for a dividend, they’re going to charge money in our name. And I will eat my beloved black hat if we ever see a share. [...]

Another very interesting bit of information is the one provided in one of the comments, a nice graph about how much money artists get according to the distribution method, which I will also put here for convenience (I hope the author don't mind).

It would be nice to see an update including more open-license friendly services like Bandcamp, Magnatunes or Jamendo.

The hipsterest garage sale ever

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 10- 02 18:37 (updated on 2012- 10- 02 18:37)
tagged 1/19s, 5.2 mm, auto, berlin, en, es, f/2.8, garage sale, hipster, iso400, n900, photo, pic - with 0 comment(s)

The hipsterest garage sale ever

The hipsterest garage sale ever

Firefox advertisment in Berlin's public transport

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 10- 01 17:14 (updated on 2012- 10- 01 23:01)
tagged 1/20s, 1/29s, 5.2 mm, advertisment, auto, berlin, en, es, f/2.8, firefox, iso200, iso214, n900, photo, pic, public transport, u-bahn - with 0 comment(s)

This is in the subway, there are huge banners in the bigger train stations too.

Esto está en el subte, también hay carteles enormes en las estaciones más grandes de tren.

Big ideals for small screens / Grandes ideales para pequeñas pantallas

Big ideals for small screens / Grandes ideales para pequeñas pantallas

[ N900 1/20s f/2.8 iso214 5.2 mm Auto ]
We work for you, not for shareholders / Trabajamos para usted, no para accionistas

We work for you, not for shareholders / Trabajamos para usted, no para accionistas

[ N900 1/29s f/2.8 iso200 5.2 mm Auto ]

Translation of e-mails using Mutt

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 09- 24 12:45 (updated on 2012- 10- 02 12:58)
tagged e-mail, en, floss, gmail, google translate, mutt, python, release, script, software, translate - with 0 comment(s)


New translation script here, see the bottom of the post for a description of the changes.

I don't like to trust my important data to big companies like Google. That's why even when I have a GMail, I don't use it as my main account. I'm also a little old fashion for some things, and I like to use Mutt to check my e-mail.

But GMail have a very useful feature, at least it became very useful since I moved to a country which language I don't understand very well yet, that's not available in Mutt: translation.

But that's the good thing about free software and console programs, they are usually easy to hack to get whatever you're missing, so that's what I did.

The immediate solution in my mind was: download some program that uses Google Translate to translate stuff, and pipe messages through it using a macro. Simple, right? No. At least I couldn't find any script to do the translation, because Google Translate API is now paid.

So I tried to look for alternatives, first for some translation program that worked locally, but at least in Ubuntu's repositories I couldn't find anything. Then for online services alternatives, but nothing particularly useful either. So I finally found a guy that, doing some Firebuging, found how to use the free Google translate service. Using that example, I put together a 100 SLOC nice general Python script that you can use to translate stuff, piping them through it. Here is a trivial demonstration of the script (gt, short for Google Translate... Brilliant!):

$ echo hola mundo | gt
hello world
$ echo hallo Welt | gt --to fr
Bonjour tout le monde

And here is the output of gt --help to get a better impression on the script's capabilities:

usage: gt [-h] [--from LANG] [--to LANG] [--input-file FILE]
          [--output-file FILE] [--input-encoding ENC] [--output-encoding ENC]

Translate text using Google Translate.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --from LANG, -f LANG  Translate from LANG language (e.g. en, de, es,
                        default: auto)
  --to LANG, -t LANG    Translate to LANG language (e.g. en, de, es, default:
  --input-file FILE, -i FILE
                        Get text to translate from FILE instead of stdin
  --output-file FILE, -o FILE
                        Output translated text to FILE instead of stdout
  --input-encoding ENC, -I ENC
                        Use ENC caracter encoding to read the input (default:
                        get from locale)
  --output-encoding ENC, -O ENC
                        Use ENC caracter encoding to write the output
                        (default: get from locale)

You can download the script here, but be warned, I only tested it with Python 3.2. It's almost certain that it won't work with Python < 3.0, and there is a chance it won't work with Python 3.1 either. Please report success or failure, and patches to make it work with older Python versions are always welcome.

Ideally you shouldn't abuse Google's service through this script, if you need to translate massive texts every 50ms just pay for the service. For me it doesn't make any sense to do so, because I'm not using the service differently, when I didn't have the script I just copy&pasted the text to translate to the web. Another drawback of using the script is I couldn't find any way to make it work using HTTPS, so you shouldn't translate sensitive data (you shouldn't do so using the web either, because AFAIK it travels as plain text too).

Anyway, the final step was just to connect Mutt with the script. The solution I found is not ideal, but works most of the time. Just add these macros to your muttrc:

macro index,pager <Esc>t "v/plain\n|gt|less\n" "Translate the first plain text part to English"
macro attach <Esc>t "|gt|less\n" "Translate to English"

Now using Esc t in the index or pager view, you'll see the first plain text part of the message translated from an auto-detected language to English in the default encoding. In the attachments view, Esc t will pipe the current part instead. One thing I don't know how to do (or if it's even possible) is to get the encoding of the part being piped to let gt know. For now I have to make the pipe manually for parts that are not in UTF-8 to call gt with the right encoding options. The results are piped through less for convenience. Of course you can write your own macros to translate to another language other than English or use a different default encoding. For example, to translate to Spanish using ISO-8859-1 encoding, just replace the macro with this one:

macro index,pager <Esc>t "v/plain\n|gt -tes -Iiso-8859-1|less\n" "Translate the first plain text part to Spanish"

Well, that's it! I hope is as useful to you as is being to me ;-)


Since picking the right encoding for the e-mail started to be a real PITA, I decided to improve the script to auto-detect the encoding, or to be more specific, to try several popular encodings.

So, here is the help message for the new version of the script:

usage: gt [-h] [--from LANG] [--to LANG] [--input-file FILE]
          [--output-file FILE] [--input-encoding ENC] [--output-encoding ENC]

Translate text using Google Translate.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --from LANG, -f LANG  Translate from LANG language (e.g. en, de, es,
                        default: auto)
  --to LANG, -t LANG    Translate to LANG language (e.g. en, de, es, default:
  --input-file FILE, -i FILE
                        Get text to translate from FILE instead of stdin
  --output-file FILE, -o FILE
                        Output translated text to FILE instead of stdout
  --input-encoding ENC, -I ENC
                        Use ENC caracter encoding to read the input, can be a
                        comma separated list of encodings to try, LOCALE being
                        a special value for the user's locale-specified
                        preferred encoding (default: LOCALE,utf-8,iso-8859-15)
  --output-encoding ENC, -O ENC
                        Use ENC caracter encoding to write the output
                        (default: LOCALE)

So now by default your locale's encoding, utf-8 and iso-8859-15 are tried by default (in that order). These are the defaults that makes more sense to me, you can change the default for the ones that makes sense to you by changing the script or by using -I option in your macro definition, for example:

macro index,pager <Esc>t "v/plain\n|gt -IMS-GREEK,IBM-1148,UTF-16BE|less\n"

Weird choice of defaults indeed :P

The day CouchSurfing died

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 09- 13 16:08 (updated on 2012- 09- 14 13:54)
tagged bewelcome, couchsurfing, cs, en, freedom, personal information, privacy - with 0 comment(s)

Some time ago CouchSurfing announced that they will become a socially responsible B-Corporation. In case you forgot about it, here is what the creators of this utopic project said then:

I believed them, and when everybody went bananas about it I thought there was some extremism and overreaction. After all, you need money to maintain the structure for a service like CS and if this change would help, it was fine with me as long as the spirit of the community was the same.

Unfortunately, now I think all these people were right. A few days ago CS announced a change in the terms of usage and privacy policy. The new ones include terms as stupid and abusive as:

5.3 Member Content License. If you post Member Content to our Services, you hereby grant us a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free and fully sublicensable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, have distributed and promote such Member Content in any form, in all media now known or hereinafter created and for any purpose, including without limitation the right to use your name, likeness, voice or identity.

They also removed all mention about being a socially responsible B-Corp, so, where is this heading at? I don't have a Facebook account because I appreciate my privacy and feel like FB never cared about it (among other things), but this terms of CS makes FB looks like the EFF!

Here is one of the many related discussions about the issue inside CS forums:

People are even making complaints in their's respective country data protection and privacy agencies. But I see little sense in it, at least from a point of view of being part of CS. Even if they fix now the terms to be more reasonable, I don't want to be part of it any more.

So, from tomorrow all the content you leave in CS will be theirs forever, irrevocably. Unfortunately there is no way to opt out, or keep the old content under the old terms, so they give me no option but to remove all the content I don't want to give them perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable, etc. rights to. And that's what I'm doing right now.

I think for now I will keep my account open (with fake information about me, even when I'm violation the terms and conditions which says I should provide truthful information about me) because there is still a great community behind it and I don't want to loose all contact with it. But my plan is to start using instead, hoping they don't eventually follow the same path CS did (their website is open source so at least there is a chance to clone the service if they do).

So, thanks for all the good times CS, and RIP!


It looks like CS needs more time to see the situation, in the terms and conditions page now says the new terms are going to be applicable starting on the 21st instead of the 14th of September.

Also, the issue hit the media, at least in Germany (Google translate is your friend):

Anyway, as I said before, even if they fix the terms, is game over for me, all trust in CS being a community rather than just another company trying to do data mining is gone.

Escaleascensor mecánico

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 08- 09 13:29 (updated on 2012- 08- 09 13:29)
tagged ascensor, curiosity, elevator, en, es, funny, video, youtube - with 0 comment(s)

Está en el edificio donde está la Embajada Argentina en Berlín.

Release: Status Area Display Blanking Applet 1.0 for Maemo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 08- 05 12:54 (updated on 2012- 08- 05 12:54)
tagged en, floss, maemo, n900, release, sadba, software, status area display blanking applet - with 0 comment(s)

Finally 1.0 is here, and in Extras-devel! The only important change since last release is a bug fix that prevented display blanking inhibition from properly work in devices configured with a display blanking timeout of less than 30 seconds (thanks cobalt1 for the bug report).

For more information and screenshots, you can visit the website.

You can download this release (binary package and sources) from here:

But now you just might want to simply install it using the application manager.

You can also get the source from the git repository:

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here or in the Maemo Talk Thread..

Release: Status Area Display Blanking Applet 0.9 (beta) for Maemo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 30 22:35 (updated on 2012- 07- 30 22:35)
tagged en, floss, maemo, n900, release, sadba, software, status area display blanking applet - with 0 comment(s)

Final beta release for the Status Area Display Blanking Applet. Changes since last release:

  • Show a status icon when display blanking is inhibited.
  • Improve package description and add icon for the Application Manager.
  • Add a extended description for display blanking modes.
  • Update translation files.
  • Code cleanup.

Also now the applet have a small home page and upload to Extras is on the way!

This is how this new version looks like:

/proj/sadba/files/0.9/ /proj/sadba/files/0.9/ /proj/sadba/files/0.9/ /proj/sadba/files/0.9/ /proj/sadba/files/0.9/

You can download this 0.9 beta release (binary package and sources) from here:

You can also get the source from the git repository:

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here or in the Maemo Talk Thread..

Release: Status Area Display Blanking Applet 0.5 for Maemo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 29 18:55 (updated on 2012- 07- 29 18:55)
tagged en, floss, maemo, n900, release, sadba, software, status area display blanking applet - with 0 comment(s)

New pre-release for the Status Area Display Blanking Applet. New timed inhibition button that inhibit display blanking for an user-defined amount of time. Also there's been some code cleanup since last release.

/proj/sadba/files/0.5/ /proj/sadba/files/0.5/ /proj/sadba/files/0.5/ /proj/sadba/files/0.5/

You can download this 0.5 pre-release (binary package and sources) from here:

You can also get the source from the git repository:

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here or in the Maemo Talk Thread..

Release: Status Area Display Blanking Applet 0.4 for Maemo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 27 18:12 (updated on 2012- 07- 27 18:12)
tagged en, floss, maemo, n900, release, sadba, software, status area display blanking applet - with 0 comment(s)

New pre-release of my first Maemo application: The Status Area Display Blanking Applet. Now you inhibit display blanking without changing the display blanking mode. The GUI is a little rough compared with the previous version but it works. :)

/proj/sadba/files/0.4/ /proj/sadba/files/0.4/

You can download this 0.4 pre-release (binary package and sources) from here:

You can also get the source from the git repository:

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here or in the Maemo Talk Thread..

Release: Status Area Display Blanking Applet 0.3 for Maemo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 26 10:51 (updated on 2012- 07- 27 18:13)
tagged en, floss, maemo, n900, release, sadba, software, status area display blanking applet - with 0 comment(s)

New pre-release of my first Maemo application: The Status Area Display Blanking Applet. Now you can pick whatever blanking mode you want instead of blindly cycling through all available modes, as it was in the previous version.

/proj/sadba/files/0.3/ /proj/sadba/files/0.3/

You can download this 0.3 pre-release (binary package and sources) from here:

You can also get the source from the git repository:

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here or in the Maemo Talk Thread..

Release: Status Area Display Blanking Applet 0.2 for Maemo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 23 09:56 (updated on 2012- 07- 23 09:56)
tagged en, floss, maemo, n900, release, sadba, software, status area display blanking applet - with 0 comment(s)

Second pre-release of my first Maemo application: The Status Area Display Blanking Applet. No big changes since the last release just code cleanup and a bugfix or new features (depends on how you see it). Now the applet monitors changes on the current configuration, so if you change the display blanking mode from settings (or by any other means), it will be updated in the applet too.

You can download this 0.2 pre-release (binary package and sources) from here:

You can also get the source from the git repository:

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions here or in the Maemo Talk Thread..

Release: Status Area Display Blanking Applet 0.1 for Maemo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 15 20:09 (updated on 2012- 07- 15 20:09)
tagged en, floss, maemo, n900, release, sadba, software, status area display blanking applet - with 0 comment(s)

Hi, I just wanted to announce the pre-release of my first Maemo "application". The Status Area Display Blanking Applet let you easily change the display blanking mode right from the status menu, without having to go through the settings.

This is specially useful if you have a short blanking time when you use applications that you want to look at for a long time without interacting with the phone and don't inhibit display blanking by themselves (for example a web browser, image viewer or some GPS applications).

You can download this 0.1 pre-release (binary package and sources) from here:

You can also get the source from the git repository:

Here are some screenshots (the application is highlighted so you can spot it more easily :) ):

/proj/sadba/files/0.1/ /proj/sadba/files/0.1/

Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions.

I'll upload the package to extras-devel when I have some time to learn the procedure.

Save Peter Sundes from jail

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 14 20:06 (updated on 2012- 07- 14 20:06)
tagged cc, copyright, en, law, peter sundes, politics, the pirate bay - with 0 comment(s)

So, Peter Sundes from The Pirate Bay has been convicted to 1 year prison and 11 million euro. He lost the appeal too, so now he is looking for a last resort, a plea for pardon, a procedure where you can get a judicial sentencing undone by the political administration in exceptional circumstances.

The plea for pardon is not serious in the sense that he is not really doing so, he is denouncing an extremely corrupt and absurd trial. You can read the plea and find out, is long but really interesting how the trial makes no sense (besides what's your stand on file sharing, copyright, etc.).

If you believe the trial was unfair, you can sign this petition, it will probably be completely ignored, but hey, it only takes 2 seconds, worth trying.

Subtítulos para todos (y todas)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 14 18:37 (updated on 2012- 07- 14 18:37)
tagged es, floss, release, software, subdivx, subdivxget, subtitle, subtítulos - with 0 comment(s)

¡Viva Perón, carajo!

Podrido de buscar subtítulos a mano en, que es una paja enorme por la interfaz bastaaante pedorra, decidí, hace mucho tiempo, hacer un pequeño script para hacer el trabajo sucio por mí. Como muchas veces pasa, esa mugre fue creciendo hasta convertirse en algo relativamente decente, así que decidí publicarlo.

Si bien no estoy tan orgulloso de él como para hacer un release serio, subí el código a un repo git que pueden bajar, mejorar y mandar parches.

También pueden bajar el script directamente y usarlo (chmod +x de por medio). Está probado con Python 2.7 y 3.2.

Acá un screenshot del usage, que es la única documentación que existe sobre el script:

Usage: subdivxget [OPTIONS] QUERY [FILTER ...]

Download subtitles from searching the string QUERY. If FILTERs
are specified, only subtitles that matches all those filters are downloaded.
Filters have the format "X:fitler", where X is a field specification:
t=titulo, d=desc, a=autor, f=formato, c=comentarios, C=cds, F=fecha and
D=downloads. filter is a string that should be found on that field (case
insensitive). If the format specifier is not known (or there isn't one) the
filter string is looked in all the fields.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -l, --list-only  Don't download the subtitles, just list them
  -q, --quiet      Don't print progress messages

Ah, sí, me quedó mezcla de inglés y castellano, es que estoy acostumbrado a codear en inglés, pero dado que subdivx AFAIK sólo tiene subtítulos en castellano se complica.

Espero que a alguien le sea útil.

Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 13 17:50 (updated on 2012- 07- 13 17:50)
tagged 1/20s, 14.7 mm, 16.3 mm, 2012-05-07, 5.0 mm, auto, berlin, canon powershot sx210 is, cloud nothings, f/3.1, f/4.5, iso400, live, magnet club, manual, music, photo, pic - with 0 comment(s)

Very low light, so I did what I could :)

Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (1)

Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (1)

2012-05-07 21:58:44 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/20s f/3.1 iso400 5.0 mm Auto Manual ]
Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (2)

Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (2)

2012-05-07 22:03:52 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/20s f/4.5 iso400 16.3 mm Auto Manual ]
Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (3)

Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (3)

2012-05-07 22:04:57 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/20s f/4.5 iso400 16.3 mm Auto Manual ]
Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (4)

Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (4)

2012-05-07 22:10:31 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/20s f/4.5 iso400 14.7 mm Auto Manual ]
Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (5)

Cloud Nothings @ Magnet Club (2012-05-07) (5)

2012-05-07 22:26:33 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/20s f/3.1 iso400 5.0 mm Auto Manual ]

Fujitsu S6240's guts

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 11 10:35 (updated on 2012- 07- 11 10:35)
tagged 1/30s, 2012-04-29, 5.0 mm, canon powershot sx210 is, f/3.1, fujitsu, hardware, iso500, parts, photo, pic, program ae, s6240, tungsten - with 0 comment(s)

Sometimes you just need to clean your notebook's fan...

Fujitsu S6240's guts

Fujitsu S6240's guts

2012-04-29 12:47:35 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/30s f/3.1 iso500 5.0 mm Tungsten Program AE ]

Release: Mutt with NNTP Debian package 1.5.21-5nntp3

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 05 19:59 (updated on 2012- 07- 05 19:59)
tagged debian, en, mutt, nntp, package, patch, release, ubuntu, vsevolod volkov - with 0 comment(s)

This is just a quick fix for yesterday's release. Now mutt-nntp depends on mutt >= 1.5.21-5. This should allow having mutt-nntp installed with the standard distribution mutt package for both Debian and Ubuntu (please report any problems).

If you have Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) and amd64 or i386 arch, just download and install the provided packages.

For other setups, here are the quick (copy&paste) instructions:

wget $url/mutt_$deb_ver.dsc $url/mutt_$deb_ver.diff.gz \$ver.orig.tar.gz
sudo apt-get build-dep mutt
dpkg-source -x mutt_$deb_ver.dsc
cd mutt-$ver
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
# install any missing packages reported by dpkg-buildpackage and try again
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i mutt-nntp_${deb_ver}_*.deb

Now you can enjoy reading your favourite newsgroups and your favourite mailing lists via Gmane with Mutt without leaving the beauty of your packaging system. No need to thank me, I'm glad to be helpful (but if you want to make a donation, just let me know ;).


You should always install the same mutt version as the one the mutt-nntp is based on (i.e. the version number without the nntpX suffix, for example if mutt-nntp version is 1.5.21-5nntp1, your mutt version should be 1.5.21-5 or 1.5.21-5ubuntu2). A newer version will satisfy the dependency too but it is not guaranteed to work (even when it probably will, specially if the upstream version is the same). You could also install the generated/provided mutt package, but that might be problematic when upgrading your distribution.

See the project page for more details.

Release: Mutt with NNTP Debian package 1.5.21-5nntp2

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 04 17:24 (updated on 2012- 07- 04 17:24)
tagged debian, en, mutt, nntp, package, patch, release, ubuntu, vsevolod volkov - with 0 comment(s)

A new version of Mutt with NNTP support is available. This version only moves Mutt with NNTP support to a separate package in the hopes of having a smoother interaction with the distribution packages (avoiding automatic updates with less hassle). Now a new mutt-nntp package is generated.

If you have Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) and amd64 or i386 arch, just download and install the provided packages.

For other setups, here are the quick (copy&paste) instructions:

wget $url/mutt_$deb_ver.dsc $url/mutt_$deb_ver.diff.gz \$ver.orig.tar.gz
sudo apt-get build-dep mutt
dpkg-source -x mutt_$deb_ver.dsc
cd mutt-$ver
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
# install any missing packages reported by dpkg-buildpackage and try again
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i mutt-nntp_${deb_ver}_*.deb

Now you can enjoy reading your favourite newsgroups and your favourite mailing lists via Gmane with Mutt without leaving the beauty of your packaging system. No need to thank me, I'm glad to be helpful (but if you want to make a donation, just let me know ;).


You should always install the same mutt version as the one the mutt-nntp is based on (i.e. the version number without the nntpX suffix, for example if mutt-nntp version is 1.5.21-5nntp1, your mutt version should be 1.5.21-5). I'm not forcing that in the dependencies because in general it shouldn't be a big issue using an older version. You could also install the generated/provided mutt package, but that might be problematic when upgrading your distribution.

See the project page for more details.

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 03 11:01 (updated on 2012- 07- 03 11:01)
tagged 1/15s, 1/30s, 1/50s, 12.0 mm, 2012-03-28, 30.0 mm, 34.3 mm, 40.3 mm, 42.9 mm, 9.2 mm, auto, berlin, canon powershot sx210 is, concert, en, es, f/4.0, f/5.0, f/5.6, huxley's neue welt, iso800, live, manual, music, photo, pic, the shins - with 0 comment(s)

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (1)

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (1)

2012-03-28 22:01:00 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/15s f/5.0 iso800 34.3 mm Auto Manual ]
The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (2)

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (2)

2012-03-28 22:08:15 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/30s f/4.0 iso800 12.0 mm Auto Manual ]
The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (3)

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (3)

2012-03-28 22:17:42 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/50s f/5.0 iso800 30.0 mm Auto Manual ]
The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (4)

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (4)

2012-03-28 22:22:32 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/30s f/5.6 iso800 42.9 mm Auto Manual ]
The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (5)

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (5)

2012-03-28 22:25:13 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/50s f/4.0 iso800 9.2 mm Auto Manual ]
The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (6)

The Shins @ Huxley's Neue Welt (2012-03-28) (6)

2012-03-28 22:47:08 CEST
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/30s f/5.0 iso800 40.3 mm Auto Manual ]

Querying N900 address book

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 07- 02 20:49 (updated on 2012- 07- 02 20:49)
tagged addressbook, binding, c, en, evolution, hacking, libebook, maemo, mobile, n900, osso, python - with 0 comment(s)

Since there is not a lot of information on how to hack Maemo's address book to find some contacts with a mobile phone number, I'll share my findings.

Since setting up an environment to cross-compile for ARM is a big hassle, I decided to write this small test program in Python, (ab)using the wonderful ctypes module to avoid compiling at all.

Here is a very small script to use the (sadly proprietary) OSSO Addressbook library:

# This function get all the names in the address book with mobile phone numbers
# and print them. The code is Python but is as similar as C as possible.
def get_all_mobiles():

    osso_ctx = osso_initialize("test_abook", "0.1", FALSE)
    osso_abook_init(argc, argv, hash(osso_ctx))

    roster = osso_abook_aggregator_get_default(NULL)
    osso_abook_waitable_run(roster, g_main_context_default(), NULL)
    contacts = osso_abook_aggregator_list_master_contacts(roster)

    for contact in glist(contacts):
        name = osso_abook_contact_get_display_name(contact)
        # Somehow hackish way to get the EVC_TEL attributes
        field = e_contact_field_id("mobile-phone")
        attrs = e_contact_get_attributes(contact, field)
        mobiles = []
        for attr in glist(attrs):
            types = e_vcard_attribute_get_param(attr, "TYPE")
            for t in glist(types):
                type = ctypes.c_char_p(t).value
                # Remove this condition to get all phone numbers
                # (not just mobile phones)
                if type == "CELL":
        if mobiles:
            print name, mobiles

# Python

import sys
import ctypes
# be sure to import gtk before calling osso_abook_init()
import gtk
import osso

osso_initialize = osso.Context

# Dynamic libraries bindings
glib = ctypes.CDLL('')
g_main_context_default = glib.g_main_context_default
def glist(addr):
    class _GList(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [('data', ctypes.c_void_p),
                    ('next', ctypes.c_void_p)]
    l = addr
    while l:
        l = _GList.from_address(l)
        l =

osso_abook = ctypes.CDLL('')
osso_abook_init = osso_abook.osso_abook_init
osso_abook_aggregator_get_default = osso_abook.osso_abook_aggregator_get_default
osso_abook_waitable_run = osso_abook.osso_abook_waitable_run
osso_abook_aggregator_list_master_contacts = osso_abook.osso_abook_aggregator_list_master_contacts
osso_abook_contact_get_display_name = osso_abook.osso_abook_contact_get_display_name
osso_abook_contact_get_display_name.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

ebook = ctypes.CDLL('')
e_contact_field_id = ebook.e_contact_field_id
e_contact_get_attributes = ebook.e_contact_get_attributes
e_vcard_attribute_get_value = ebook.e_vcard_attribute_get_value
e_vcard_attribute_get_value.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
e_vcard_attribute_get_param = ebook.e_vcard_attribute_get_param

# argc/argv adaption
argv_type = ctypes.c_char_p * len(sys.argv)
argv = ctypes.byref(argv_type(*sys.argv))
argc = ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(len(sys.argv)))

# C-ish aliases
NULL = None
FALSE = False

# Run the test

Here are some useful links I used as reference:

Los Reyes Paraguayos

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 03- 29 20:53 (updated on 2012- 03- 29 20:53)
tagged 1/1000s, 5.2 mm, alemania, auto, berlin, deutscheland, disco, es, f/2.8, germany, iso100, los reyes paraguayos, mauerpark, music, n900, photo, pic - with 3 comment(s)

Joyita encontrada en el mercado de pulgas del Mauerpark.

Los Reyes Paraguayos

Los Reyes Paraguayos

[ N900 1/1000s f/2.8 iso100 5.2 mm Auto ]

El Rati Horror Show

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 03- 15 18:45 (updated on 2012- 03- 15 18:45)
tagged argentina, cine, documental, el rati horror show, es, film, movie, online, piñeyro, vimeo - with 0 comment(s)


Este post no contiene espoilers, pero todos los links a los que apunta sí, y en los primeros párrafos. Si no sabés nada de la película (o del caso Carrera), no te informes ni sigas los links antes de ver la peli. Primero mirala y después enterate.

Como todas las películas de Piñeyro, este extraño ex-piloto devenido en actor/productor/director, El Rati Horror Show es una película de mierda. Filmada de de forma excelente, contada de forma excelente, con investigaciones excelentes, con un humor excelente, pero destapando de esas cosas que te hacen querer pegar un tiro en las bolas.

Pero hay que verla. No se puede no verla. Por eso esta misma gente la puso completa en Vimeo para que la puedas bajar o mirar online. Así que no seas gil y mirala. Yo ya la vi hace bastante (al aire libre en el BAFICI) pero hace poquito me enteré que la habían puesto online.

Ah, y después firmá el petitorio (no antes, porque si no estás enterado para nada del tema, va a ser un espoiler), si le creés a este tipo, claro.

También podés seguir horrorizándote viento material alternativo en la cuenta de Vimeo de Aquafilms.

En fin, tenés un rato? Acá tenés la peli, mirala:

Hasta Papá Noel se mueve en subte acá

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 03- 02 22:17 (updated on 2012- 03- 02 22:17)
tagged 1/19s, 2011-12-09, 5.2 mm, auto, bvg, christmas, f/2.8, iso400, metro, n900, photo, pic, poster, publicity, santa, subte - with 0 comment(s)

Tardísimo el post, pero lo encontré desempolvando cosas viejas :P

Hasta Papá Noel se mueve en subte acá

Hasta Papá Noel se mueve en subte acá

[ N900 1/19s f/2.8 iso400 5.2 mm Auto ]

Un día más en Alemania

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 02- 27 21:14 (updated on 2012- 02- 27 21:14)
tagged 1/80s, 19.5 mm, 2011-12-18, auto, berlin, canon powershot sx210 is, f/5.0, full auto, germany, iso500, mauerwerg, medieval, pankow, photo, pic, soldiers - with 0 comment(s)

Un día más en Alemania

Un día más en Alemania

2011-12-18 13:19:57 CET
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/80s f/5.0 iso500 19.5 mm Auto Full auto ]

The Dø (+Vienna) @ Fritzclub im Postbahnhof (2011-12-01)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 02- 27 20:52 (updated on 2012- 02- 27 20:52)
tagged 1/10s, 1/30s, 1/50s, 11.7 mm, 13.5 mm, 16.0 mm, 2011-12-01, 31.8 mm, 5.0 mm, 6.8 mm, berlin, canon powershot sx210 is, f/3.1, f/3.5, f/4.0, f/4.5, f/5.0, fritzclub, iso800, live, manual, music, photo, pic, postbahnhof, the dø, tungsten, vienna - with 0 comment(s)

Pfff! Uno de los posts más atrasados que tuve en mi vida. Se trata de la presentación que hicieron los The Dø en Fritzclub, con Vienna como grupo soporte. De este último dúo, parece imposible encontrar algo de información en la internesss, por la mala elección del nombre, pero es loco porque ni siquiera buscando en páginas de música parecen existir. El show que dieron estuvo bien, introspectivo, siempre mostrando sus siluetas por sobre proyecciones variadas. Simple pero efectivo.



2011-12-01 22:00:03 CET
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/10s f/4.5 iso800 13.5 mm Tungsten Manual ]

Con The Dø me llevé una rara impresión, fue muy diferente a la idea que tenía de la banda, esperaba algo exótico, supongo que por la pata finlandesa del dúo, y también un poco introspectivo, folk y muy indie. Pero no, la banda tiene un perfil mucho más rocker, hasta de rock stars diría. Muy producido, show, rock, gritos y más ruuuuaaaac! Tiene sus momentos de baladas, pero con el mismo formato que puede tocar una balada cualquier banda más rockera estándar.

No estaba mal igual, lo que hacen lo hacen muy bien, están muy aceitados, son buenos músicos, nada para reprochar, pero muy lejos de lo que esperaba ver.

The Dø

The Dø

2011-12-01 23:21:46 CET
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/30s f/3.5 iso800 6.8 mm Tungsten Manual ]
The Dø

The Dø

2011-12-01 23:24:16 CET
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/50s f/4.5 iso800 16.0 mm Tungsten Manual ]
The Dø

The Dø

2011-12-01 23:24:50 CET
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/50s f/3.1 iso800 5.0 mm Tungsten Manual ]
The Dø

The Dø

2011-12-01 23:50:38 CET
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/50s f/5.0 iso800 31.8 mm Tungsten Manual ]
The Dø

The Dø

2011-12-02 00:02:20 CET
[ Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 1/50s f/4.0 iso800 11.7 mm Tungsten Manual ]

Bondage Fairies @ White Trash Fast Food Berlin (2012-02-04)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 02- 05 16:19 (updated on 2012- 02- 05 16:19)
tagged 1/15s, 5.2 mm, auto, berlin, bondage fairies, es, f/2.8, germany, iso800, live, mitte, music, n900, photo, pic, white trash fast food berlin - with 0 comment(s)

Ya no recuerdo como conocí a los Bondage Fairies, juraría que via Esteirfri, pero ahora no logro encontrar ningún post relacionado.

Bondage Fairies @ White Trash Fast Food Berlin (2012-02-04) (1)

Bondage Fairies @ White Trash Fast Food Berlin (2012-02-04) (1)

[ N900 1/15s f/2.8 iso800 5.2 mm Auto ]

La cosa es que se presentaron en Berlín, los fui a ver y me fui más que satisfecho con su performance! Se presentan siempre con máscaras (incluso en todas las fotos que vi sobre la banda) y están muy limados. El guitarrista en especial cada tanto se acercaba al público y se ponía a mirar fijamente a algún seguidor de forma bastante perturbante.

Bondage Fairies @ White Trash Fast Food Berlin (2012-02-04) (2)

Bondage Fairies @ White Trash Fast Food Berlin (2012-02-04) (2)

[ N900 1/15s f/2.8 iso800 5.2 mm Auto ]

La máscara del baterista también es muy buena, y el tipo la acompaña muy bien con su actitud y sus bailes espásticos.

Los tipos distribuyeron un tema via Dead Drops (USB sticks inclustados y cementados en cantidades de ciudades, también conocido como red P2P anónima offline). Si quieren escuchar más, pueden hacerlo en Musicuo (la alternativa a Grooveshark que, todavía, anda en Alemania).

Bondage Fairies @ White Trash Fast Food Berlin (2012-02-04) (3)

Bondage Fairies @ White Trash Fast Food Berlin (2012-02-04) (3)

[ N900 1/15s f/2.8 iso800 5.2 mm Auto ]

Perdón por la baja calidad de las fotos y video, pero me olvidé la cámara así que fueron tomadas con el celular.

Una poca de nieve

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 02- 03 13:59 (updated on 2012- 02- 03 13:59)
tagged 0s, 2012-02-03, 5.2 mm, auto, berlin, cold, es, f/2.8, germany, iso100, mitte, n900, nokia, photo, pic, sharing-cli, snow, standard - with 0 comment(s)

Una poca de nieve

Creedme, se ve mas copado en persona

Germany Berlin Mitte 2012-02-03 11:38:22
[ Nokia N900 0s f/2.8 iso100 5.2 mm Auto Standard ]

The Pirate Cohelo

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 01- 30 20:34 (updated on 2012- 01- 30 20:34)
tagged cc, copyleft, en, paulo coelho, the pirate bay - with 0 comment(s)

Nice post by Paulo Coelho promoting the piracy of his own books via The Pirate Bay (whom reciprocally returns the favor).

The Pirate Bay starts today a new and interesting system to promote arts.

Do you have a band? Are you an aspiring movie producer? A comedian? A cartoon artist?

They will replace the front page logo with a link to your work.

As soon as I learned about it, I decided to participate. Several of my books are there, and as I said in a previous post, My thoughts on SOPA, the physical sales of my books are growing since my readers post them in P2P sites.

Welcome to download my books for free and, if you enjoy them, buy a hard copy – the way we have to tell to the industry that greed leads to nowhere.


The Pirate Coelho

Go, search, download, read and if you like them, buy or show your appreciation in another way.

It's finally here

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 01- 16 08:30 (updated on 2012- 01- 16 08:30)
tagged 2012-01-16, 3/100s, 5.2 mm, auto, berlin, en, f/2.8, germany, iso114, mitte, n900, nokia, photo, pic, sharing-cli, snow, standard, street - with 0 comment(s)

It's finally here

A little snow in Berlin

Germany Berlin Mitte 2012-01-16 09:28:03
[ Nokia N900 3/100s f/2.8 iso114 5.2 mm Auto Standard ]


by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 01- 15 17:23 (updated on 2012- 01- 15 17:23)
tagged 1/1000s, 2012-01-15, 5.2 mm, auto, berlin, es, f/2.8, germany, iso100, lake, landscape, lübars, n900, nature, nokia, photo, pic, sharing-cli, travel, tree - with 0 comment(s)


Reserva natural dentro de Berlin

Germany Berlin Lübars 2012-01-15 12:52:42
[ Nokia N900 1/1000s f/2.8 iso100 5.2 mm Auto Landscape ]

Sí, sigo en Berlin

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 01- 10 11:56 (updated on 2012- 01- 10 11:56)
tagged 1/1024s, 2012-01-10, 5.2 mm, auto, berlin, f/2.8, fernsehturm, germany, iso100, mitte, n900, nokia, photo, pic, sharing-cli, standard, street, tower - with 0 comment(s)

Sí, sigo en Berlin

Torre de TV

Germany Berlin Mitte 2012-01-10 12:36:47
[ Nokia N900 1/1024s f/2.8 iso100 5.2 mm Auto Standard ]

Lobo está?

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 01- 08 22:06 (updated on 2012- 01- 08 22:06)
tagged 1/5s, 2012-01-08, 5.2 mm, auto, berlin, church, clouds, es, f/2.8, germany, iso800, kreuzberg, moon, n900, night, night scene, nokia, photo, pic, sharing-cli, südstern - with 0 comment(s)

Lobo está?

Südstern con luna llena

Germany Berlin Kreuzberg 2012-01-08 18:46:42
[ Nokia N900 1/5s f/2.8 iso800 5.2 mm Auto Night scene ]

Los Justos

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 01- 04 22:48 (updated on 2012- 01- 04 22:48)
tagged blog, casciari, cc, es, internet, literatura, los justos, p2p, tv - with 0 comment(s)

Un viejo relato de Hernán Casciari que no es más que un remix de un peoma de Borges (mucho más viejo).

Espero que no te ofendas, Hernán querido, por tomarme la libertad de copiarlo completo acá:

Los miércoles a las nueve de la noche, hora de Nueva York, la cadena norteamericana ABC emite una serie de televisión que me gusta. A esa misma hora un mexicano llamado Elías, dueño de un vivero en Veracruz, la está grabando directamente a su disco rígido, y tan pronto como acabe subirá el archivo a Internet, sin cobrar un centavo por la molestia. Tiene esta costumbre, dice, porque le gusta la serie y sabe que hay personas en otras partes del mundo que están esperando por verla. Lo hace con dedicación, del mismo modo que trasplanta las gardenias de su jardín para que se reproduzca la belleza.

A las once de la noche de ese mismo miércoles, Erica, una violinista canadiense de venticuatro años que ama la música clásica, baja a su disco rígido la copia de Elías y desgraba uno a uno los diálogos para que los fanáticos sordomudos de la serie puedan disfrutarla; distribuye esos subtítulos en un foro tan rápido como puede. No cobra por ello ni le interesa el argumento: lo hace porque su hermano Paul nació sordo y es fanático de la serie, o quizás porque sabe que hay otra mucha gente sorda, además de su hermano, que no puede oír música y debe contentarse con ver la televisión.

A las 3:35 de la madrugada del jueves, hora venezolana, Javier baja en Caracas la serie que grabó Elías y el archivo de texto que redactó y sincronizó Erica. Javier podría ver el capítulo en idioma original, porque conoce el inglés a la perfección, pero antes necesita traducirlo: siente un placer extraño al descubrir nuevas etimologías, pero más que nada le place compartir aquello que le interesa. Para no perder tiempo, Javier divide el texto anglosajón en ocho bloques de tamaños parecidos, y distribuye por mail siete de ellos, quedándose con el primero.

Inmediatamente le llega el segundo bloque a Carlos y Juan Cruz, dos empleados nocturnos de un Blockbuster boneaerense que suelen matar el tiempo jugando al ajedrez, pero que ocupan los miércoles a la madrugada en traducir una parte de la serie, porque ambos estudian inglés para dejar de ser empleados nocturnos, y también porque no se pierden jamás un capítulo.

El tercer bloque de texto lo está esperando Charo, una ceramista de Alicante que está subyugada por la trama y necesita ver la serie con urgencia, sin esperar a que la televisión española la emita, tarde y mal doblada, cincuenta años después. El cuarto bloque lo recibe María Luz, una tipógrafa rubia y alta que trabaja, también de noche, en un matutino de Cuba: María Luz deja por un momento de diseñar la portada del diario y se pone rápidamente a traducir lo que le toca. Dice que lo hace para practicar el idioma, ya que desea instalarse en Miami.

El quinto bloque viaja por mail hasta el ordenador de Raquel y José Luis, una pareja andaluza que vive de lo poco que le deja una librería en el centro de Sevilla. Llevan casados más de venticinco años, no han tenido hijos, y hasta hace poco traducían sonetos de Yeats con el único objeto de poder leerlos juntos, ella en un idioma, él en otro. Ahora, que se han conectado a Internet, descubrieron que además de buena poesía existe también la buena televisión.

El sexto bloque le llega a Ricardo, en Cuzco: Ricardo es un homosexual solitario —y muchas noches deprimido— que traduce frenéticamente mientras hace dormir a su gato Ezequiel. El séptimo lo recibe Patrick, un inglés con cara de bueno que viajó a Costa Rica para perfeccionar su español, lo desvalijó una pandilla casi al bajar del avión pero igual se enamoró del país y se quedó a vivir allí. Y el octavo bloque le llega, al mismo tiempo que a todos, a Ashley, una chica sudafricana de madre uruguaya que es fanática de la serie porque le recuerda (y no se equivoca) a su libro favorito: La Isla del Tesoro.

Los ocho, que jamás se han visto las caras ni tienen más puntos en común que ser fanáticos de una serie de la televisión o de un idioma que no es el materno, traducen al castellano el bloque de texto que le corresponde a cada uno. Tardan aproximadamente dos horas en hacer su parte del trabajo, y dos horas más en discutir la exactitud de determinados pasajes de la traducción; después Javier, el primero, coordina la unificación y el envío a La Red. Ninguno de los ocho cobra dinero para hacer este trabajo semanal: para algunos es una buena forma de practicar inglés, para otros es una manera natural de compartir un gusto.

A esa misma hora Fabio, un adolescente a destiempo que vive en Rosario, a costas de sus padres a pesar de sus 23 años, encuentra por fin en el e-mule la traducción al castellano del texto. Con un programa incrusta los subtítulos al video original, desesperado por mirar el capítulo de la serie. A veces su madre lo interrumpe en mitad de la noche: —¿Todavía estás ahí metido en Internet, Fabio? ¿Cuándo vas a hacer algo por los demás, o te pensás que todo empieza y termina en vos? —Tenés razón mamá, ahora mismo apago —dice él, pero antes de irse a dormir coloca el archivo subtitulado en su carpeta de compartidos para que cualquiera, desde cualquier máquina, desde cualquier lugar del mundo, pueda bajarlo. Fabio jamás olvida ese detalle.

Los jueves suelo levantarme a las once de la mañana, casi a la misma hora en que Fabio, a quien no conozco, se ha ido a dormir en Rosario. Mientras me preparo el mate y reviso el correo, busco en Internet si ya está la versión original con subtítulos en español de mi serie preferida, que emitió ocho horas antes la cadena ABC en Estados Unidos. Siempre (nunca ha fallado) encuentro una versión flamante y me paso todo el resto de la mañana bajándola lentamente a mi disco rígido, para poder ver el capítulo en la tele después de almorzar. Mientras espero, escribo un cuento o un artículo para Orsai: lo hago porque me resulta placentero escribir, y porque quizás haya gente, en alguna parte, esperando que lo haga.

El artículo de este jueves habla de Internet. Dice, palabras más, palabras menos, algo que hace venticinco años dijo Borges mucho mejor que yo, en un poema maravilloso que se llama Los Justos:

“Un hombre que cultiva un jardín, como quería Voltaire.

El que agradece que en la tierra haya música.

El que descubre con placer una etimología.

Dos empleados que en un café del Sur juegan un silencioso ajedrez.

El ceramista que premedita un color y una forma.

Un tipógrafo que compone bien esta página, que tal vez no le agrada.

Una mujer y un hombre que leen los tercetos finales de cierto canto.

El que acaricia a un animal dormido.

El que justifica o quiere justificar un mal que le han hecho.

El que agradece que en la tierra haya Stevenson.

El que prefiere que los otros tengan razón.

Esas personas, que se ignoran, están salvando el mundo.”


Año nuevo, libros nuevos

by Leandro Lucarella on 2012- 01- 02 21:42 (updated on 2012- 01- 02 21:42)
tagged david byrne, diarios de bicicleta, es, libro, mafalda, quino, self - with 2 comment(s)

Comienzo el 2012 con dos libros que me dan ganas de ponerme a leer (cosa rara en mí), ambos recibidos de forma bastante atípica.


El Todo Mafalda iba a parar a la basura, español desalmado aquel que iba a tirarlo con motivo de una mudanza! Gracias Álvaro! por ser tan desalmado y regalarme este libro fantabuloso, que tengo la sensación de que me va a resultar mucho más gracioso, perturbante y deprimente que cuando leía las tiras originales de Quino al rondar la década de vida...

El segundo viene andando en bicicleta desde Argentina y es regalo navideño de mis señores padres. David Byrne es un tipo copadísimo para mí, y eso que, paradógicamente, sé poco y nada sobre él :P. Si lo subís a una bicicleta, lo ponés a pasear por varias urbes del planeta y le pedís que describa y reflexione sobre lo que ve, nada malo puede salir de ello. Mucho menos si lo hace por motu proprio. Diarios de Bicicleta no es ni más ni menos que eso, su blog resumido y convertido a formato libro.

De yapa les dejo una charla TED de David Byrne.