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DMDFE copyright assigned to the FSF?

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 11- 10 23:07 (updated on 2010- 11- 10 23:07)
tagged copyright, d, dmd, dmdfe, en, floss, fsf, gdc, walter bright - with 0 comment(s)

It looks like Walter is willing to (finally) give the copyright assignment of the DMD front-end to the FSF, so GDC can have a chance at being merged to the official GCC distribution.

Let's see how this turns out...


by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 10- 10 19:28 (updated on 2010- 10- 10 19:28)
tagged cdgc, d, dgc, dmd, en, gc, howto, makefile, patch, tango - with 0 comment(s)

Here are some details on how to try CDGC, as it needs a very particular setup, specially due to DMD not having precise heap scanning integrated yet.

Here are the steps (in some kind of literate scripting, you can copy&paste to a console ;)

# You probably want to do all this mess in some subdirectory :)
mkdir cdgc-test
cd cdgc-test

# First, checkout the repositories.
git clone git://
# If you have problems with git:// URLs, try HTTP:
# git clone
svn co tango

# DMD doesn't care much (as usual) about tags, so you have to use -r to
# checkout the 1.063 revision (you might be good with the latest revision
# too).
svn co -r613 dmd

# Now we have to do some patching, let's start with Tango (only patch 3 is
# *really* necessary, but the others won't hurt).
cd tango
for p in 0001-Fixes-to-be-able-to-parse-the-code-with-Dil.patch \
         0002-Use-the-mutexattr-when-initializing-the-mutex.patch \
         0003-Add-precise-heap-scanning-support.patch \
   wget -O- "$p" |
         patch -p1
cd ..

# Now let's go to DMD
cd dmd
wget -O- "$p" |
      patch -p1

# Since we are in the DMD repo, let's compile it (you may want to add -jN if
# you have N CPUs to speed up things a little).
make -C src -f linux.mak
cd ..

# Good, now we have to wire Tango and CDGC together, just create a symbolic
# link:
cd tango
ln -s ../../../../../cdgc/rt/gc/cdgc tango/core/rt/gc/

# Since I don't know very well the Tango build system, I did a Makefile of my
# own to compile it, so just grab it and compile Tango with it. It will use
# the DMD you just compiled and will compile CDGC by default (you can change
# it via the GC Make variable, for example: make GC=basic to compile Tango
# with the basic GC). The library will be written to obj/libtango-$GC.a, so
# you can have both CDGB and the basic collector easily at hand):
make # Again add -jN if you have N CPUs to make a little faster

# Now all you need now is a decent dmd.conf to put it all together:
cd ..
echo "[Environment]" > dmd/src/dmd.conf
echo -n "DFLAGS=-I$PWD/tango -L-L$PWD/tango/obj " >> dmd/src/dmd.conf
echo -n "-defaultlib=tango-cdgc " >> dmd/src/dmd.conf
echo "-debuglib=tango-cdgc -version=Tango" >> dmd/src/dmd.conf

# Finally, try a Hello World:
cat <<EOT > hello.d

void main()
   Cout("Hello, World").newline;
dmd/src/dmd -run hello.d

# If you don't trust me and you want to be completely sure you have CDGC
# running, try the collect_stats_file option to generate a log of the
# collections:
D_GC_OPTS=collect_stats_file=log dmd/src/dmd -run hello.d
cat log


If you want to make this DMD the default, just add dmd/src to the PATH environment variable or do a proper installation ;)

Let me know if you hit any problem...

GDC activity

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 08- 10 01:21 (updated on 2010- 08- 10 01:21)
tagged activity, d, dmd, en, floss, gcc, gdc - with 0 comment(s)

There is a lot of activity lately in the GDC world, both the repository and the mailing list (mostly closed bug reports notification).

The reborn of GDC is a courtesy of Vincenzo Ampolo (AKA goshawk) and Michael P. (I'm sorry, I couldn't find his last name), but it received a big boost lately since Iain Buclaw (apparently from Ubuntu, judging from his e-mail address) got commit access to the repository in July.

They are working in updating both the DMD front-end and the GCC back-end and judging from the commits, the front-end is updated to DMD 1.062 and 2.020 (they are working on Druntime integration now) and the back-end works with GCC 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 is in the works.

Really great news! Thanks for the good work!

DMD 64 bits

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 06- 21 14:37 (updated on 2010- 07- 17 15:37)
tagged 64 bits, amd64, backend, compiler, d, dmd, en, x86-64 - with 0 comment(s)

Big news: DMD 64 bits support has just been started! It almost shadows the born of the new public DMD test suite (but I think the latter if far more important in the long term).

DMD(FE) speller (suggestions)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 03- 05 15:07 (updated on 2010- 03- 05 15:07)
tagged clang, compiler, d, dmd, dmdfe, en, error, patch, spell - with 0 comment(s)

After some repetitive discussions about how to improve error messages (usually inspired by clang), it looks like now the DMD frontend can suggest the correct symbol name when you have a typo =)

First accepted patch for DMD(FE)

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 02- 22 16:45 (updated on 2010- 02- 22 16:45)
tagged d, dmd, dmdfe, en, patch, string import - with 0 comment(s)

Some time ago I wrote a partial patch to fix DMD's issue 3420:

Allow string import of files using subdirectories

const data = import("dir/data.txt");

Specifying -J. for DMD 1.041 is sufficient to allow this to compile.

I couldn't find an option for DMD 1.042 and newer which would allow this to compile.

It's a partial patch because it's implemented only for Posix OSs. The patch passed unnoticed until changeset 389, when the restrictions on string imports became even more evident, and I commented the issue in the DMD internals ML. Fortunately Walter accepted the patch; well accept might be a very strong word, since Walter never really accepts a patch, he always write a new patch based on the submitted one, don't even dream on getting some feedback about it.

But well, that's how he works. At least now in Posix (he said he didn't find a way to do this in Windows) there are no silly restrictions on string imports, without sacrificing security =)

Google's Go will be part of GCC

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 01- 28 14:40 (updated on 2010- 01- 28 14:40)
tagged compiler, d, dmd, en, fsf, gcc, golang, google, software - with 0 comment(s)

Wow! Google's Go (remember there is another Go) programming language front-end for GCC has been accepted for merging into GCC 4.5.

Just when there was some discussion (started by Jerry Quinn [*]) in D on how the DMD front-end could be pushed to be merged in GCC too, but DigitalMars (Walter) doesn't want to give away the copyright of his front-end (they are exploring some alternative options though). Maybe the inclusion of Google's Go makes Walter think harder for a solution to the legal problems :).

[*]He reported a lot of bugs in the language specification because he was planning to start a new D front-end, which can be donated to the FSF for inclusion in GCC.

DMD beta

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 01- 28 00:01 (updated on 2010- 01- 28 00:01)
tagged beta, compiler, d, development model, dmd, druntime, en, phobos, software - with 2 comment(s)

After some discussion [*] in the D newsgroup about the value of having release candidates for DMD (due to the high number of regressions introduced in new versions mostly), Walter agreed to make public what he called beta versions of the compiler, which he sent privately to people who asked for them (like some Tango developers).

The new DMD betas are announced in a special mailing list (available through Gmane too). It seems like Walter want to keep the beta releases with some kind of secrecy, or only for people really interested on them (the zip files are even password protected! But the password is announced in a public mailing list, that doesn't make much sense =/). I think he should encourage people to try them as much as possible instead, but one step at the time, at least now people have a way to test the compiler before it's released.

I can say without fear that the experience has been very successful already, even when there is no DMD release yet that came from a beta pre-release, you can see in the beta mailing list that multiple regressions have been discovered and fixed because this new beta releases. I think the reliability of the compiler has been increased already. Is really interesting to see how the quality of a product increases proportionally to the level of openness and the numbers of eyes doing peer review.

The new DMD release should be published very soon, as all the regressions seems to be fixed now and big projects like Tango, GtkD and QTD compiles (a lot of focus on fixing bugs that prevented the later to compile has been put into this release, specially from Rainer Schuetze, who submitted a lot of patches).

So kudos for a new era in D, I think this is another big milestone for having a reliable compiler.

[*]I'm sure there was previos requests for having release candidates, I know I asked for it, but I can't find the threads in the archives =)

Merging DMD FE 1.055 in LDC

by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 01- 07 01:09 (updated on 2010- 01- 07 01:09)
tagged 1.055, d, dmd, en, ldc, merge, patch - with 1 comment(s)

Motivated by a couple of long waited forward references bug fixes in the DMD front-end, I decided to experiment merging it into LDC.

The task wasn't so hard, just apply the patches, ignore changes to the back-end (mostly), resolve some conflicts and you're done!

Christian Kamm kindly helped me with a couple of doubts when resolving conflicts and I got commit access to the LDC repository in the way (thanks for the vote of confidence, even when LDC are very relaxed when giving commit access :).

However I found a changeset that was a little harder to merge: r251, which added support for appending dchar to a char[] (fixing bug 111, another long waited one). The problem was, 2 new runtime functions were added (_d_arrayappendcd and arrayappendwdarrayappendwd) but I didn't know how to tell the back-end about them.

Trying to compile Dil with the new LDC with the DMD 1.055 front-end, I discovered this change also added a regression. So I tried to fix those two issues before pushing my patches, but Christian told me I should push them first and fix the problems later. I really prefer the other way around, but I won't tell the LDC developers how to run the project :), so I did it [*].

Christian disabled the new feature later because Tango is still lacking the new runtime functions, so LDC can't do much about them yet. I filled a bug so this issue don't get lost.

I would be nice to have some feedback if you try the new merged front-end in LDC :)

[*]I'm sorry about the lame commit messages including the diffstat output, but I did the work using git and then exported the patches to mercurial and I didn't realize the import tool didn't remove the diffstat output.

DMD frontend 1.051 merged in LDC

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 11- 07 18:08 (updated on 2009- 11- 07 18:08)
tagged compiler, d, dmd, en, ldc, merge, software - with 0 comment(s)

After 5 or 6 DMD versions with important regressions, LDC has just been updated to DMD's frontend 1.051. This brings a lot of bug fixes to the LDC world (DStress results are looking good! ;).

Lots of thanks to LDC guy for merging the new frontend =)

D and open development model

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 10- 15 20:09 (updated on 2009- 10- 15 20:09)
tagged compiler, d, development model, dmd, druntime, en, phobos, software - with 6 comment(s)


Long post ahead =)

I'm very glad that yesterday DMD had the first releases (DMD 1.050 and DMD 2.035) with a decent revision history. It took some time to Walter Bright to understand how the open source development model works, and I think he still has a lot more to learn, but I have some hope now about the future of D.

Not much time ago, neither Phobos, DMD nor Druntime had revision control. Druntime didn't even exist, making D 1 split in two because of the Phobos vs Tango dichotomy. DMD back-end sources were not available either, and Walter Bright was the only person writing stuff (sometimes not because people didn't want to, but because he was too anal retentive to let them ;). It was almost impossible to make patches back then (your only chance was hacking GDC, which is pretty hard).

Now I can say that DMD, Phobos and Druntime have full source availability (DMD back-end is not free/libre though), almost all the parts of DMD have the sources published under a source control system. The core team has been expanded and even when Walter Bright is still in charge, at least 3 developers are now very committed to D: Andrei Alexandrescu (in charge of Phobos), Sean Kelly (in charge of Druntime) and Don Clugston (squashing DMD bugs at full speed, specially in the back-end). Other people are contributing patches in a regular basis. There were about 72 patches submitted to bugzilla before DMD was distributed with full source (72 patches in ~10 years) , since then, 206 patches were submitted (that is, 206 patches in less than 8 months).

But even with this great improvement, there is much left to do yet (and I'm talking only about the development model). This is a small list of what I think it's necessary to keep moving to a more open development model:


The release process should be improved. Me and other people are suggesting release candidates. This will allow people to test the new releases to find any regressions. As things are now, releases are not much different from a nightly build, except that you don't have one available every night :). People get very frustrated when downloading a new version of the compiler and things stop working, and this holds back front-end updates in other compilers, like LDC (which is frozen at 1.045 because of the regressions found in the next 5 versions).

I think Walter Bright is suffering from premature releasing too. Releases comes from nowhere, when nobody expects them. Nobody knows when a new compiler version will be released. I think that hurts the language reliability.

I think the releases should be more predictable. A release schedule (even when not very accurate, like in many other open source projects) gives you some peace of mind.

Peer review

Even when commits are fairly small now in DMD, I think they are far from ideal. Is very common to see unrelated changes in a commit (the classic example is the compiler version number being bumped in an bug fix). See revision 214 for example: the compiler version is bumped and there are some changes to the new JSON output, totally unrelated to bug 3401, which is supposed to fix; or revision 213, which announces the release of DMD 1.050 and DMD 2.035, introducing a bunch of changes that who knows what are supposed to do (well, they look like the introduction of the new type T[new], but that's not even documented in the release changelog :S). This is bad for several reasons:

  • Reviewing a patch with unrelated changes is hard.
  • If you want to fold in a individual patch (let's say, LDC guys want to fold a bug fix), you have a lot of junk to take care of.
  • If you want to do some sort of bisection to find a regression, you still have to figure out which is the group of related changes that introduced the regression.

I'm sure there are more...

Commit messages lacks a good description of the problem and the solution. Most commit messages in DMD are "bugzilla N". You have to go to the bugzilla bug to know what's all about. For example, Don's patches usually comes with very good and juicy information about the bug causes and why the patch fixes it (see an example). That is a good commit message. You can learn a lot about the code by reading well commented patches, which can lead to more contributions in the future.

Commits in Phobos can be even worse. The commits with a message "bugzilla N" are usually the good ones. There are 56 commits that have "minor" as the commit message. Yes, just "minor". That's pretty useless, it's very hard to review a patch when you don't know what is supposed to do. Commit messages are the base of peer reviewing, and peer reviewing is the base for high quality code.

So I think that D developers should focus a lot more in commit message. I know it can sound silly at first, but I think I would be a huge gain with too little effort.

Besides this, commits should be mailed to a newsgroup or mailing list to easy peer review. Now it's a little hard to make comments about a commit, you have to post the comment in the D newsgroup or make the comment by personal e-mail to the author. The former is not that bad but it's not easy to include context and people reading the comment will probably have to open a browser and search for the commented commit. This clearly make peer reviewing more difficult when the ideal would be to encourage it. The private mail is simply wrong because other people can't see the comments.

Source control and versioning

This one is tightly related to the previous two topics. Using a good DVCS can make help a lot too. Subversion has a lot of problems with branching, which makes releases harder too (as having a branch for each release is very painful). Is bad for commit messages too, because there is no real difference in branches and directories, so know every commit is duplicated (both changes for DMD 1 and 2 are included). It's not easy to cherry-pick single commits either, and you can't fix you commits if you messed up, which leads to a lot of commits of the style "Woops! Fix the typo in the previous commit.".

I'm sure both the release process and peer reviewing can be greatly improved by using a better DVCS.

Easy branching can also lead to a more fast evolving and reliable language. Yes, both are possible with branches. Now there are 2 branches: stable (D1) and experimental (D2). D1 is almost frozen and people is seeing less and less interest on it as it goes old, and D2 is too unstable for real use. Having some intermediate can be really helpful. For example, it has been announced that the concurrency model proposed by Bartosz Milewski will be not part of D2 because there is not enough time to implement it, since D2 should be release fairly soon as Andrei Alexandrescu is writing a book that has a deadline and the language has to be finalized by the time the book is published.

So concurrency (as AST macros) are delayed to D3. D2 is more than 2 years old, so one should expect that D3 will be not available in less than 5 years from now (assuming D2 would take 2.5 years and D3 would take the same). This might be too much time.

I think the language should adopt a model closer to Python, where a minor language version (with backward compatible improvements) is release every 1 ~ 1.5 years. Last mayor version took about 8 years, but considering how many new features Python included in minor versions that's not a big issue. The last mayor version was mostly a clean up of old stuff/nasty stuff, not huge changes to the language.


I think the DMD back-end should have a better license. Personal use is simply not enough for a reference implementation of a language that wants to hit mainstream. If you plan to do business with it, not being able to patch the compiler if you need to and distribute it is not an option.

This is for the sake of DMD only, because other compilers (like LDC and GDC) are fully free/libre.


Some of the things I mention are really hard to change, as they modify how people work and imply learning new tools. But other are fairly easy, and can be done progressively (like providing release candidates and improving commits and commit messages).

I hope Walter Bright & Co. keep walking the openness road =)

Debug is hell

by Leandro Lucarella on 2009- 05- 04 03:24 (updated on 2009- 05- 04 03:24)
tagged d, debug, dgc, dmd, en, gold, ldc, parental advisory, rant, tango - with 0 comment(s)


Rant ahead.

If Matt Groeing would ever written a garbage collector I'm sure he would made a book in the Life in Hell series called Debug is Hell.

You can't rely on anything: unit tests are useless, they depend on your code to run and you can't get a decent backtrace ever using a debugger (the runtime calls seems to hidden to the debugger). I don't know if the last one is a compiler issue (I'm using DMD right now because my LDC copy broken =( ).

Add that to the fact that GNU Gold doesn't work, DMD doesn't work, Tango doesn't work [*] and LDC doesn't work, and that it's already hard to debug in D because most of the mainstream tools (gdb, binutils, valgrind) don't support the language (can't demangle D symbols for instance) and you end up with a very hostile environment to work with.

Anyway, it was a very unproductive weekend, my statistics gathering code seems to have some nasty bug and I'm not being able to find it.

PS: I want to apologize in advance to the developers of GNU Gold, DMD, Tango and LDC because they make great software, much less crappier than mine (well, to be honest I'm not so sure about DMD ;-P), it's just a bad weekend. Thank you for your hard work, guys =)

[*]Tango trunk is supposed to be broken for Linux