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The Python's algorithm

by Leandro Lucarella on 2008- 09- 08 02:05 (updated on 2008- 09- 08 02:05)
tagged cycles, d, dgc, en, python, rc - with 0 comment(s)

Python (at least CPython) uses reference counting, and since version 2.0 it includes a cycles freeing algorithm. It uses a generational approach, with 3 generations.

Python makes a distinction between atoms (strings and numbers mostly), which can't be part of cycles; and containers (tuples, lists, dictionaries, instances, classes, etc.), which can. Since it's unable to find all the roots, it keeps track of all the container objects (as a double linked list) and periodically look in them for cycles. If somebody survive the collection, is promoted to the next generation.

I think this works pretty well in real life programs (I never had problems with Python's GC -long pauses or such-, and I never heard complains either), and I don't see why it shouldn't work for D. Even more, Python have an issue with finalizers which don't exist in D because you don't have any warranties about finalization order in D already (and nobody seems to care, because when you need to have some order of finalization you should probably use some kind of RAII).