
I have a couple of projects, some I’m working right now, some a little old and not very well maintained :)


A simple, direct, one-header inline C++ wrapper for libevent.


A micro unit testing framework for C (with some C++ support).


A remote controlled, programable stroboscopic image projector using an 8051-family microcontroller.


A low and high level libev bindings for the D Programming Language.


A router administration tool.

D Concurrent Garbage Collector (CDGC)

Research on improvements to the D Programming Language garbage collector (my Informatics Engineer thesis).


A Sphinx extension for embedding ASCII art that is rendered as nice looking images using aafigure.


A Sphinx extension for embedding text-formatted MSC diagrams that are rendered as nice looking images using Mscgen.

Debian package for Mutt with NNTP patch

Debian package for Mutt with the NNTP support patch applied.

Bacap - The extremely simple backup script

A very simple script (~100 SLOC of Bash) to do an incremental backup that saves space using rsync and hard-links.

Status Area Display Blanking Applet for Maemo

A simple plugin for Maemo‘s Hildon status area to control display blanking.