eventxx  1.0.1
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NeventxxNamespace for all symbols libevent C++ wrapper defines
 CexceptionBase class for all libevent exceptions
 Cinvalid_eventInvalid event exception
 Cinvalid_priorityInvalid priority exception
 CtimeTime used for timeout values
 Cbasic_eventBasic event from which all events derive
 CeventGeneric event object
 Cevent< ccallback_type >This is the specialization of eventxx::event for C-style callbacks
 CtimerTimer event object
 Ctimer< ccallback_type >This is the specialization of eventxx::timer for C-style callbacks
 CsignalSignal event object
 Csignal< ccallback_type >This is the specialization of eventxx::signal for C-style callbacks
 Cmem_cbHelper functor to use an arbitrary member function as an event handler
 CdispatcherEvent dispatcher