eventxx  1.0.1

There are many ways to specify how to handle an event.

There are many ways to specify how to handle an event.

You can use use the same plain functions callbacks (see eventxx::cevent, eventxx::ctimer and eventxx::csignal) like in C or the other kind of more advanced, stateful function objects (see eventxx::event, eventxx::timer and eventxx::signal templates). The former are just typedef'ed specialization of the later.

A member function wrapper functor (eventxx::mem_cb) is also included, so you can use any member function (method) as an event handler.

Please note that C-like function callback take a short as the type of event, while functors (or member functions) use eventxx::type.

All events derive from a plain class (not template) eventxx::basic_event, one of the main utilities of it (besides containing common code ;) is to be used in STL containers.

Please see each class documentation for details and examples.