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Python 3.10.4:
Sun Aug 21 00:43:57 2022

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /srv/llucax.com/www/blog/blog.cgi in <module>
   1451 if "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" in os.environ:
   1452     i = datetime.datetime.now()
=> 1453     handle_cgi()
   1454     f = datetime.datetime.now()
   1455     print("<!-- render time: %s -->" % (f - i))
handle_cgi = <function handle_cgi>
 /srv/llucax.com/www/blog/blog.cgi in handle_cgi()
   1314         render_style()
   1315     elif post:
=> 1316         render_html([db.get_article(uuid)], db, year, enable_comments)
   1317     elif post_preview:
   1318         article = Article(art_path, datetime.datetime.now(), datetime.datetime.now())
global render_html = <function render_html>, db = <__main__.ArticleDB object>, db.get_article = <bound method ArticleDB.get_article of <__main__.ArticleDB object>>, uuid = '-69670412', year = 0, global enable_comments = True
 /srv/llucax.com/www/blog/blog.cgi in get_article(self=<__main__.ArticleDB object>, uuid='-69670412')
   1018     def get_article(self, uuid):
=> 1019         return self.uuids[uuid]
   1021     def load(self):
self = <__main__.ArticleDB object>, self.uuids = {'000dd4a0': <__main__.Article object>, '00f4ab15': <__main__.Article object>, '014cb75b': <__main__.Article object>, '01f34e69': <__main__.Article object>, '020a74b4': <__main__.Article object>, '023b2464': <__main__.Article object>, '02506490': <__main__.Article object>, '02704d07': <__main__.Article object>, '03825769': <__main__.Article object>, '03fddefb': <__main__.Article object>, ...}, uuid = '-69670412'

KeyError: '-69670412'
      args = ('-69670412',)
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of KeyError object>